URL – http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2013/05/a-visit-to-khalifa-of-ahmadiyya-muslims.html
Khalifa of Islam Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who represents millions of Ahmadi Muslims, Muslims who believe in the Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, is visiting West Coast and is residing in Chino, California these days. He arrived on 5th May, 2013 in LA. During his visit he met several hundred families and all the families strived hard to get an appointment for the a personal time with the Khalifa. I was the lucky one among them and was able to meet him along with my wife and children. It was one of the joyous day for my family.
My children were very happy to have a chocolate candy and a pen as a gift from him. He also delivered a speech in famous Montage hotel in a meeting held in his honor where he was presented the Key of City of Los Angeles on May 11th, 2013. His message with clear that Islam is a peaceful religion and here is some important part of his speech. He is the only single leader all over the world against any kind of aggression and oppression and wants to engage the whole world in stopping the next world war which is inevitable if the world powers do not act in unison to prevent such a catastrophe.
He said” There can be no doubt that this state of fear and anxiety has been fueled by the acts of certain so-called Muslims or so-called Muslim groups.
However there is also no doubt, that the acts of terrorism or extremism they perpetrate have nothing whatsoever to do with the true teachings of Islam.
The very meaning of ‘Islam’ is peace, security and giving a guarantee of protection against all forms of harm and evil.
Indeed, the Holy Quran declares that this is the teaching that every single Prophet of God taught.”
He further said” Islam requires Muslims to abide by its teachings and fundamental amongst them is that they must not only fulfill the rights owed to God Almighty, but just as importantly they must also fulfill the rights owed to God’s Creation.
The Quran has shined a bright light on the beauty of the teachings of all Prophets by making it clear that they all drew mankind’s attention to fulfilling the rights owed both to God and to His Creation.”
Further expounding on the teachings of Holy Quran he said, “The first verse of the Quran reads:
“All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.”
This verse means that the God who Muslims worship, is the One God, who sustains and nourishes everything and everyone without any distinction.
He fulfils all of the needs of His Creation.
In other words, He is the God of the Christians, the God of the Jews, the God of the Hindus and indeed He even gives nourishment and provides to those who do not believe in His existence.
Whenever I reflect upon this particular point, I realise that I believe in that One God who is the Lord of all nations, all races and all religions, and so it becomes impossible that I could ever develop any hatred in my heart for any nation, any race or any religion. In this context I would like to say that my sympathies and my prayers are with the victims of the recent Boston attack. We fully condemn that attack”.
Then he further explained, “The entire world is God’s Creation and He loves His Creation dearly. Thus the reason we praise the ‘Lord of all the Worlds’ and repeat this prayer so many times each day is so that we realise and accept the beauty of all people and all nations because they are all part of God’s Creation.
When the beauty and merit of something is accepted, then it is impossible to bear hatred or malice towards it, rather love and compassion shine forth.
If this point is understood, then the question can not even arise in the heart of a true Muslim that he should bear enmity, ill-will or hatred towards any of God’s Creation. This is why the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who had the greatest insight and understanding of God’s Word, used to recite the words “All Praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the Worlds” not just in his obligatory prayers, but also in the countless voluntary prayers he used to offer”.
Talking about Ahmadiyya Muslim Community he said, “Today, when we the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat raise the slogan of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ as a means to establish global peace, we do so directly in fulfilment of the teachings of the Holy Quran and the practice of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)”.
He also sets the direction of the world leaders to prevent next war. He said, “The direction the world is moving in suggests that the dark shadow of war is being cast over a very large part of the globe. If war breaks out then countless innocent women, children and elderly people will all die. The destruction will be greater than was witnessed in the previous two World Wars and I say this knowing full well that during the Second World War tens of millions of people lost their lives. The world’s population is now far greater and there has also been a vast increase in both the number of weapons of mass destruction and the countries that have developed a thirst for war. Under these circumstances destruction will be manifold.
In light of all of this, it is imperative that the world and particularly the major powers reflect upon what efforts are required to save the world from a horrific destruction.|
Fear of Islam or attempts to defame it will not achieve anything or lead to peace and reconciliation. Instead, the key to peace is to stop cruelty and oppression wherever it occurs with justice and equality. Only when this principle is followed will global peace develop. This will only happen when the people of the world come to recognise their Creator”.
I hope we choose the right direction for our future generations and reserve a peaceful earth for generations to come