Introducing “Prophecy and the Fundamentalist Quest”
by Akbar Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun chair, American University.
Moderator: Indeed, the Neocons are preempting Armageddon. Neocons are as relevant to the teachings of the Christ as the Islamists are to the Prophet Muhammad’s techings. Neither group understands the essence of the religion, instead they thrive on fear and are driven by an imaginary conquest.
The introduction by Dr. Akbar Ahmed is a huge endorsement of Farzana’s work.
I have admired the articles and work of Farzana Hassan, president of the Muslim Canadian Congress who has taken a firm stand on moderation in approach that the Prophet taught, I hope and pray more and more Muslims join her in her Jihad to keep Islam pristine, simple, all embracing and peaceful
Mike Ghouse
World Muslim Congress
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Introducing “Prophecy and the Fundamentalist Quest”
by Akbar Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun chair, American University.
“Prophecy and the fundamentalist Quest”, the latest book by Farzana Hassan, president Muslim Canadian Congress is an attempt to compare and contrast the prophetic literature of the world’s two largest religions i.e Christianity and Islam. The author contends that both are proselytizing faiths, continually seeking to convert humanity to their specific worldview. Each also believes that ultimately, its particular ideology will prevail. For example, she writes” Closely associated with the establishment of Israel is the holy land is the rebuilding of the Third Temple. It is an important event in a series of apocalyptic events that will herald the second advent of Christ.
But whether the Temple will be rebuilt is a question that must be explored more through biblical references, as neither the Quran not Hadith elaborate the issue in depth. This is not to suggest that Muslims refrain
from interpreting biblical prophecy in a manner that will further their own political agenda for the region. Many regard the construction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the site of the Temple of Solomon as a fulfillment of the biblical prophecies pertaining to the Third Temple.”
As is commonly understood, such events according to both faith traditions will unfold during the end of days or the apocalypse, which many believe is taking place before their very eyes. As the main premise of the book, the author argues that apocalypticists who interpret scripture literally and can hence by categorized as fundamentalists, will not stop at achieving their religio-political goals till such time this apocalyptic vision has been realized for them. The book also highlights interreligious struggles surfacing among the most ardent followers of these traditions. Adherents of these Abrahamic faiths interpret prophecy to support their particular religious stance and political goals.The debates are endless and the issues remain as contentious as the stark differences in outlook over the current political crises in our troubled world.
This book is an important contribution to a matter that concerns all of us interested in exploring ways to make the world a more harmonious place. I am grateful to its author for her courage and wisdom in writing it.
Farzana Hassan, President of MCC. Freelance writer, public speaker and author of “Prophecy and the Fundamentalist Quest”
Prophecy and the Fundamentalist Quest
An Integrative Study of Christian and Muslim Apocalyptic Religion
Farzana Hassan
Foreword by Dr. John S. Niles
ISBN 978-0-7864-3300-1
glossary, appendices, notes, bibliography, index
196pp. softcover 2008
$35 Available for immediate shipment
This work traces the origins of apocalyptic prophecy in Christianity and Islam through in-depth examinations of several texts found within the Bible, the Quran, and the Hadith. The author contends that Christianity and Islam, often seen as two of the primary fundamentalist and proselytizing world faiths, remain pitted against each other in an ongoing struggle to impose their religious ideology on the rest of the world through either force or persuasion. The religious prophecies discussed in this book are largely focused on end-time or apocalyptic scenarios (such as the Book of Revelation from the Bible’s New Testament, the prophesized hour of judgment in the Quran, and the Book of Tribulations in the Hadith). The final two chapters provide an analysis of current world politics, including the Iraq War, within the context of Christian and Islamic prophecy.
About the Author
Farzana Hassan, is the president of the Muslim Canadian Congress. She lives in Canada.