-“Muslim Reformers in Iran and Turkey: The Paradox of Moderation”

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Staff and students of Islamic  Middle Eastern and the Arab World at large  will   find a recent publication of mine  ” Us and Them: Muslim Christian relations and social harmony in Australia” by the Australian Academic Press, of great interest. The publication has been recommended as a  reference to all NSW government schools, and is  being nominated for the Prime Minister’s Book Award in 2010.

Several of the chapters contain findings from a DIAC funded national survey conducted in several hundred  SCHOOLS including  Catholic , Anglican, and Muslim.

 I have enclosed the table of contents and back cover as a broad guiding statement, below, as your staff may consider using it as a primary reference.

We would value you drawing the attention to them by copying the flyer attached to them,; or directing them to the Australian Academic Press : http://www.australianacademicpress.com.au/Publications/Books/4-921513190.html

or, Melbourne University bookshop link:

Thanking you.

Abe W Ata (Dr)
Senior Associate Fellow

St Patrick’s Campus – Melbourne
Australian Catholic University

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