Long Island Muslims fighting fire with food – postivie response to Quran Burning

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Think Global Act Local–Long Island  Muslims Response to Quran Burning Threat.
This is a great example of changing how we are perceived by fellow Americans and fellow citizens of the world.  The better we are understood, the greater we become  part of the society to bring positive changes.

 We need to commend these efforts by the Muslims of Long Island and Dr. Faroque Ahmad Khan. Here is a note from Dr. Khan.

 Dear All:  ASAK.  Saturday Sept 21st 2013.

You may recall a pastor in Florida had threatened to burn 3000 copies of Quran on 9/11. In response, the LI Muslims collectively decided to return “evil with good” Q41:34, special thanks and appreciation to Br Habeeb who coordinated this initiative.

The event itself was uneventful and brief, however the impact was profound, Ch 12 gave it extensive and repeated coverage on 9/11 and this wks Westbury Times gave it front page coverage–see attached with the catchy title ” Fighting Fire with Food”.

This paper receives wide circulation in Westbury amongst the ICLI neighbors. Rev Tom Goodhue executive director of Long Island Council of Churches plans to highlight this event in his widely circulated newsletter. Reminds me of a famous quote –think global and act local.

Fighting Fire With Food

Written by Betsy Abraham Wednesday, 18 September 2013 00:00

When a Florida pastor threatened to burn almost 3,000 copies of the Qur’an on September 11, he probably didn’t expect that his hateful display would result in such good. In response to the pastor’s threats, the Islamic Center of Long

Island donated almost 4,000 food items to the Long Island Council of Churches and the food pantry at St. Brigid’s Church. It took a little over a week for the center to pass their intital goal of 3,000 items, and collect nonperishables which included cookies and soups.

At a small ceremony on September 11, religious leaders gathered to celebrate the peaceful response and remember the tragic events of 12 years ago.

“It’s a happy event on a sad day,” Faroque Khan, one of the founding members of ICLI said. “Sometimes people in the world get emotional and react in a way that’s not appropriate and create more problems. The Muslims of Long Island decided collectively to respond to this event which creates anger, with goodness.” 

“We need the food and this is a great way to help your neighbors in need,” Tom Goodhue from the Long Island Council of Churches said.“I’m grateful that the members of this mosque are able to tell the difference between Christians who know God is love, and heretics.”  

“The center has responded with almost 4,000 acts of kindess. It’s not just a gesture, but really enhances peoples lives. This is a true commemoration as we see our faiths coming together for acts of beauty,” Rabbi Menashe Bovit, from the Bellrose Jewish Center said. 

Sincerely Yours,

Prof. Faroque Ahmad Khan, MB, MACP

Director IMANA International Collaboration
Trustee Islamic Center of Long Island


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