By: Abdullah Bin Najam

Disclaimer: I in no way shape or form am antisemitic. As it says in the Holy Quran, “Whosoever killed an innocent person… it shall be as if he had killed all humanity” (5:32). I JUST WANT JUSTICE TO BE SERVED.
It’s the same story every time. Violence between Palestine and Israeli erupts, rockets are exchanged, civilians are killed, a ceasefire agreement is reached and experts warn failing to reach a permanent solution can result in an all-out war.
Not so long ago, we remember Jews fleeing Hitler’s brutality to the peaceful Arab-Muslim-dominated land of Palestine. How did the refugees from Nazi Germany become the Hitler of the 21st century?
Hitlers Doctrine

We know Hitler as the cruelest and most brutal dictator in modern history. He used to employ pathos to brainwash Germans into believing that they were the superior race and the rest subhumans.
Just like the bombing of the Jala tower in Gaza, Hitler constantly incinerated anti-nazi material and suppressed any opposition voice that was raised against his dictatorship.
The tight grip on media perfectly combined with huge corporate funding enabled Adolf Hitler to seamlessly execute the ethnic cleansing of jews.
Recently, many corporates such as IBM, BMW, Ford, compensated the holocaust survivors under public pressure.
Adolf Hitler had brilliant success in creating a huge anti-Semitic movement using his most powerful weapon (media) to murder 6 Million jews, whipping out two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population.
History Repeating Again

When people go through traumatizing experiences in life, they make sure others don’t suffer the same.
Not so long ago, Jews were fleeing Europe barefoot, without clothes in seek of safe shelter, when Palestinian Arabs welcomed them with open arms. Shared their homes and provided food with respect and dignity.
Stabbing in the back, they expelled their host from their home and occupied the land of Palestine.
One in three refugees worldwide is Palestinian. There are about 7.2 million Palestinian refugees worldwide. 1.2 million more than the holocaust. Over 4.3 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants displaced in 1948 are registered for humanitarian assistance with the United Nations.
Israel has proudly and falsely marketed itself as the only democratic country in the Middle East. They delegitimized this propaganda in 2018 when Knesset voted a controversial law declaring Israel a national homeland for the Jewish people and putting a priority on Jewish-only communities.
“Today, I will have to tell my children, along with all the children of Palestinian Arab towns in the country, that the state has declared that it does not want us here,” said Ayman Odeh, leader of the Joint List Arab faction in the Knesset.

“With great power comes great responsibility”
We all know how Israel came into existence and over time expanded its territory. But the question I ask is if a man shows a knife to an armed police officer, should he be shot?
The obvious answer would be NO. Unless you support what happened with George Floyd.
Unfortunately, that’s what happened in Jerusalem on 8th May, during the holy night of Ramadan. Unarmed Palestine’s praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque faced rubber bullets and stun grenades fired by the Israeli police.
Such heinous war crimes against basic human rights are disgraceful for the State of Israel and the entire world that refuses to condemn such atrocities.
The toothless United Nations always cannot protect the rights of defenseless Palestinian men, women, and children.
“When I look around, I see many settlements surrounding this land (West Bank), This is what Palestinians face every day. For these people (Israeli settlers) to exist and practice their identity, there is a price of my dignity and my rights that I have to pay every day.” Said a Palestinian resident of the West Bank.

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we sit back in our comfy chairs sipping coffee there are millions of children being bombed, journalists and paramedics being targeted willfully by the apartheid State of Israel. While the toothless United Nations and Big Five seem powerless.
I cannot fathom the thought of innocent and defenseless people being bombed, harassed, and expelled by a nuclear-armed country. Let me know your thoughts.