Is Islam compatible with democracy?

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Is Islam Compatible With Democracy and Human Rights?

There are several flaws in societies where Muslims form the majority, but that is not Islam. As Muslims we have allowed the tyrants to use the “Islam label” to run with their agendas, which is similar to the Neocons, to annihilate and oppress dissent. It is a catch 22, if the Muslim majority spoke, things will be alright, and on the other hand, those few tyrants keep them shut. This is not the characteristics of Muslims alone, it is the case with all majorities be it Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and even in the bastions of democracy like the United States and the United Kingdom where the majority remained silent when the Neocons duped them about Iraq and went on about destruction.

The following article about Islam and democracy is an ongoing propaganda to malign Islam; it’s the business of the Neocons. (Extremists in all faiths whose modus operandi is destructive malignant methods to solve the world problems) I wish we had an organization set up who did not thing but investigate the funding source for these articles and their motivation.

President Obama’s initiatives in Middle East has all the elements of bringing security to the Jewish population in Israel and hope to the Palestinians, both peoples deserve it. I believe that would be the aspirations of majority of the Jews and Palestinians from that area. However, the Neocons supported by the lobby with the attitudes of “annihilating or oppressing the other” and seek peace through destruction. They have figured out how do derail President Obama’s initiatives, you will see the beginning of an onslaught of articles like this and a mass production of documentaries and movies to debilitate the religion. It pays them well, as long as the suckers pay, the Neocons will produce phobias and cash them.

I hope people will wake up and fund those organizations that clearly seek to mitigate conflicts and not the ones that aggravate the conflicts.

The article starts with the dumbest quote, asking the fox to guard the hen. Why would King Fahad say that democracy is suitable to our country? Then there is a quote from Hugronje that Islam has never favored democratic tendencies. Has this agency taken the time to paint the full honest picture of Muslims or Islam? Nearly 3/4ths of Muslim population lives in democracies, and the rest would opt for democracy if they have the choice or if we the western Neocons do not support the dictators, monarchs or oppressive regimes.

There are several flaws in the following article and I hope I can respond to some but urge the people, Muslims or not to present their point of view to show the flaws in it.

One of the major flaws quoted here “In Saudi Arabia, following a tradition of Muhammed who said “Two religions cannot exist in the country of Arabia “ On the other hand the Prophet initiated and co-signed the Madinah pact with Jews, Christians and others about co-existence and pluralism. How did these guys cook this up?

Look at the façade they carry with the organizations names they have set up to give the impression that they are fair and honest research organizations.

Article at:

Mike Ghouse is a Speaker, Thinker, Writer, Moderator and a Blogger on Pluralism, Interfaith, Terrorism, Peace, Islam, India and civil societies,. He is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television networks offering a pluralistic perspective on issues of the day. His comments, news analysis and columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal website Mike is a conflict mitigater and a goodwill nurturer.

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