Feminism, Religiosities and Self-Determination
September 12-16 2007
University of Massachusetts Fall Institute 2007
Engaging Islam will be held at University of Massachusetts Boston from
September 12-16, 2007
Conference Details
Engaging Islam: Preliminary Conference Schedule
The Institute is free and open to the public. No registration is necessary
for non-presenting attendees.
Wednesday, September 12
Panel Title: ³Defining Islamic Feminisms² 2-5 PM
* Key-Note: Amina Wadud
* Key-Note: Haideh Moghissi
* Key-Note: Lila Abu-Lughod
Thursday, September 13
Panel Title: ³Negotiating Shari¹a and the ŒSecular State¹²
9-10 AM Key-Note: Madhavi Sunder
10-10:30 AM Break
10:30-12:30 – Panel
* Berna Turam ³Democratization and Muslim Women: The Case of Secular Turkey²
* Natasha Dar ³Liberté, Equalité, Fraternité, and the Shari’a: The
Production of Islamic Legal Knowledges and ŒThe Muslim Woman¹ in the
French-North African Diaspora²
* Mitra Rastegar ³Secularism through U.S. policies and discourses on Islam
and Muslim citizens²
12:30-1:30 Break for Lunch
Panel Title: ³Negotiating Shari¹a and the ŒSecular State¹² (continued)
1:30 2:30 Key-Note: Tariq Modood
Break: 2:30-3PM
3-5PM – Panel
* Srimati Basu ³Separate and Unequal: Muslim Women, Women¹s Movements and
Un-uniform Family Law in India”
* Jasmin Zine “Negotiating Religion and the Secular State: Muslim Women and
Shari’a Law Tribunals in Canada”
6-7:30PM – Screen Film ³Silent Waters²
7:30PM Dinner & Presentation by Shahnaz Khan
Friday, September 14
Panel Title: ³Challenging Hegemonic Representations of Muslim Women²
9-10 AM – Keynote: Lara Deeb
10-10:30 AM Break
10:30-12:30 – Panel
* Elizabeth Bucar ³Good Hijab, Bad Hijab: The Politics of Religious Dress in
* Peter McMurray ³Speaking the Unspeakable: Three Representations of Wartime
Sexual Violence Against Bosnian Muslim Women²
* Surbhi Tiwari ³Whither Fundamentalism or Feminism? Sania Mirza, Œsexy¹
dressing and the politics of (erotic) identity²
12:30-1:30 – Break for Lunch
Panel Title: ³Globalization, Gender Relations, and Sexuality²
1:30-2:30 PM – Key-Note: Jasbir Puar
Break: 2:30-3PM
3-5PM – Panel
* Ashley Al-Sayyad ³Queer Muslim Women: Visibility, Diaspora, and Islam²
* Chris Kelly ³Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) Muslim
* Sonja Van Wichelen ³Politics of Presence: Feminist Contestations over a
New Muslim Indonesia²
Dinner at a restaurant in Cambridge
Saturday, September 15
Panel Title: ³Political Economy and Islamic Feminisms²
9-10 AM – Keynote: Lamia Karim
10-10:30AM Break
10:30-12:30 – Panel
* Fauzia Ahmed ³Islam, Poverty Alleviation, & Masculinity²
* Roksana Bahramitash ³Iranian Islamic Women as Œthe Other¹: A Class
Analysis of the Role of Women in the Informal Economy and Islamic Micro
* Damla Isik ³On Weaving, Sohbet, and Patience: Governance of Time and Labor
in Konya¹s Weaving Industry²
12:30-1:30 – Break for Lunch
Panel Title: ³Coalition-building and Transnationalism²
1:30PM – Key-Note: Zainah Anwar
Break: 2:30-3PM
3-5PM – Panel
* Azza Basarudin ³Recreating Communities of the Faithful?: Negotiating
Gender, Religion & Feminism in Malaysia and Egypt²
* Tina Nebe ³Islam in the Public and Private Spaces: Turkey, Iran, Nigeria,
and Indonesia²
* Dina Siddiqi ³Legislating Fatwas: Dilemmas and Contradictions for
* Rafia Zakaria ³Dangerous Truths: the Muslim woman¹s story and the emerging
chasm between transnational feminist scholarship and activism²
Sunday, September 16
Panel Title: Pedagogy and Islam
9AM-11:30 – Panel
* Hilary Kalmach ³Female Leadership and Activism in Conservative Islamic
Communities: An Islamic Form of Feminism?²
* Juliet Gentile ³From ŒHonorary Man¹ to Sheikha: The Path of Sufi Women in
the West²
* Jennifer Fluri ³The Corporeal Marker: Gender, Space and Islam²
11:30-12 Break
12-1PM – Closing Remarks