DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Deadly clashes in Egypt continued Friday, as the military continued its crackdown on supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi.
Video at this link: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2013/08/16/north-texans-watching-deadly-violence-in-egypt/
At least 60-people were killed; this in addition to more than 600 who died in initial clashes Wednesday. North Texans with loved ones in Egypt are closely following developments there.
“Violence can only lead to more violence,” says Abdullah Shawky. He was born in this country but both his parents and their families are from Egypt. So is a good friend who was shot in the arm in Wednesday’s clashes with the military…and a second friend whose cousin died in them.
“Everybody from that region of the world is saddened by what they are seeing right now. Nobody would ever wish this upon anybody,” Shawky told CBS 11 news.
Shawky believes there are two groups protesting against the military: some are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood; others are supporters of the fledgling democratic process in Egypt and are upset that even a dictatorial president like Mohammed Morsi was ousted by the military.
“If this turmoil continues and we descend into further chaos, the military will lose its legitimacy,” he says adding the military has traditionally been held in high esteem. No one can predict what will happen if the military loses credibility.
Mike Ghouse is also following events in Egypt closely.
“The bloodshed–I don’t like it, nobody should like it—but that is part of the freedom,” he says.
Ghouse converted to Islam as an adult and now makes national appearances calling for religious tolerance of all faiths. He points out a grim truth in America’s democracy is that it was founded in war and revolution. And that we should now be “hands off” with Egypt.
“Millions of people have died for freedom, it is the Egyptian’s turn; although I don’t like any death, they have to learn it their own way. Unfortunately there’s going to be more bloodshed as it continues. And I think we should stay out of it as Americans.”
North Texans concerned about the continuing violence in Egypt plan to hold a vigil to honor the dead and wounded in Dallas Sunday evening. It’ll be at 6:30 at the Kennedy Memorial downtown, and is being coordinated through the Dallas Peace Center. The peace center can be contacted at 214. 660.7676. Mike Ghouse can be contacted at 214.325.1916 or through the website www.worldmuslimcongress.com.