An Open Letter to the World – Howard Klineberg

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Beautifully written, but falls short of becoming the greatest letter by a persecuted community. It would have been great by adding that we want to live and share the land with Palestinians who have lived on this land, and we will not do injustice to them, as was done to us.

Mike Ghouse
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An Open Letter to the world by Howard Klineberg
Published in Times of Israel.

When we were led into the gas chamber, YOU said nothing
When we were forcibly converted, YOU said nothing

When we were thrown out of a country just for being Jews, YOU said nothing

When we now defend ourselves all of a sudden, YOU have something to say

How did we take our revenge on the Germans for their Final Solution?

 How did we take revenge on the Spanish for their Inquisition?

How did we take revenge on Islam for being Dhimmi?

How did we take revenge on the lies of the Protocols of Zion?

We studied our Torah

We innovated in medicine

We innovated in defense systems

We innovated in technology

 We innovated in agriculture

We made music

We wrote poetry

We made the desert bloom

We won Noble prizes

We founded the movie industry

We financed democracy

 We fulfilled the word of Hashem by becoming a light unto the Nations of the Earth

So World when you criticise us for defending our heritage and our ancestral homeland we the Jew’s of the World do exactly what you did, we ignore you.

You have proven to us for the last 2,000 years that when the chips are down you don’t care.

Now leave us alone and go sort out you own back yard whilst we continue our 5775-year old mission, enhancing the World we share.

Read more: An Open Letter to the World | Howard Klineberg | The Blogs | The Times of Israel 

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