August 2010
Book: Israel and Palestine, how it all began
July 2010
Muslim acts of heroism during Holocaust
Obama to placate Israel’s right-wing leaders
June 2010
Re: Jews to Hold Memorial For Those Slain in Attac…
Re: Uri Avneri assaulted by Right Wing Zionists af…
Israel’s defenders mobilize, threaten
May 2010
Reflections on forgiveness
March 2010
Fatal Embrace by Mark Braverman
February 2010
Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem
Is Harvard Prof Advocating Palestinian Genocide?
Who represents Israelis
Zionism: A Fairy Tale or a Terrifying Nightmare
January 2010
Hamas accepts Israel’s right to exist
Israel will live – in peace
Israel Lobby
Press Release, Holocaust and Genocides in Dallas
Lesson To Be Learned from Holocaust
The Jerusalem Syndrome
When Does It Become Genocide?
Obama Appointed Self-Hating Anti-Semitism Czar.
December 2009 (1)
The Gaza March
October 2009 (2)
Democrats’ Attacks on Goldstone
Gaza Children to Learn about Holocaust
September 2009 (4)
Israel Is Not for the Jews
Obama, the time has come
Obama caves in to Netanyahu
Solutions for Israel and Palestine
July 2009 (1)
Israel and Saudi Cohorts Now?
June 2009 (10)
Peres leaves for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan
Israel Won’t Freeze Settlements
Time for a Common Vision?
Uri Avnery on Obama Speech
OBAMA: Chomsky’s Opinion
Moderates support Obama
Pursuing the two-State Solution
Obama’s “interference” in Israeli politics
Israel could learn from Sorry Day
Harsh Turn against Israel
May 2009 (3)
Support for Israel Feeds Terrorism
Obama and Netanyahu Meet
Israel and Iran
April 2009 (1)
Bad leadership
Feburuary 2009
Israel – 60 Minutes
Jerusalem Report
A dialogue on peace
Israel and Palestine
January 2009
Rabbis sign for peace
A dialogue for peace
PR on Second Annual “Reflections on Holocaust and …
HR 34 : Are we pleasing the lobbyists or the peopl…
Gaza Petitions to stop Killing
December 2008
A few evil men, some Jews some Muslims
Gaza Solutions
List of Articles
Scream Bloody Murder, reflections on Holocaust and…
November 2008
Jewish-Muslim dialogue, a necessity
August 2008
Where Jews and Arabs get along
June 2008
Exploiting the Muslim- Jewish divide
Is It Pandering to Jews?
May 2008
Bush – An enemy of Israel
Israel at 60; a Land of Hope
Who are the Neocons?
APRIL 2008 (4)
AJ Congress on Carter initiative
Carter: Hamas is willing
Carter Peace initiatives
Palestinians versus Tibetans
MARCH 2008 (3)
Bloodbath in Jerusalem
Kill 100 Turks and Rest
Yes we can, peace to Gaza
FEBRUARY 2008 (1)
A Rabbi speaks the truth!
JANUARY 2008 (2)
Israel’s false friends
If Americans Knew Israel
DECEMBER 2007 (1)
Happiness for Sale
NOVEMBER 2007 (21)
Annapolis – Include Hamas
Annapolis – the Iran factor
Annapolis – Jewish Question
Annapolis – Syria’s place
Annapolis – A Joke
Cease-Fire With Hamas now
Annapolis: Jewish support?
Annapolis : Morton Klein
The last refuge:Uri Avnery
Israel : No right to exist?
Annapolis – Turbulent winds
Annapolis: Naomi and Rafi
Gaza: the final solution
Annapolis – Rabbinic support
Cut Israel off
Annapolis peace conference
Punishing Gaza
Jewish youth and Israel
Is Israel a Jewish State
Anti-Israel Stooges
Peace in Israel & Palestine