Two Lesbian Marriages : Seema weds Shanon | Rehana weds Sobia

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Lesbian and Gay Marriages are a reality and the future of America and most of the democracies around the world.  At World Muslim Congress, we bring issues to discuss and learn about it without judgment. We will face the issue today or tomorrow, running away from it is will not release us from the agony, accepting it does not give us relief either.


Muslims and Christians have come to believe in the traditional narration that God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for their gay sexual orgies. The Christians early on also believed that the earth was flat and any thing contrary to that was considered a slap on the religion. Muslims have also believed in certain interpretations of Quran on different issues, but now have seen the fallacies of it – like the wrong use of the word Jihad and other words.

God’s wisdom is still to be unearthed and it will continue till the planet ceases to exist. All I have understood is that God has intentionally created everything to be unique and by design, he did not goof up, he meant what he created, and in the Quran he says so – that he has created us all different. He also says in Quran, had he willed, he would have created us all alike. If we can learn to respect God’s will and accept the given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge – and hope we all can live in peace, that is Islam.

A few notes and then the pictures.

1. Not to see, listen, read or talk about it, and distance ourselves from it as it is wrong.

2. It is a reality in America, Canada, UK and most of the democracies. None of the religious groups can stop it, despite strong opposition from several Christian groups, LGBT Marriages are a reality and the future of America.

Now don’t jump to conclusions that every one will become a gay or lesbian – that is irrational. God has endowed each human being the ability to connect with the other, a majority of men and women will continue to be attracted to the opposite sex, those who were inclined and attracted towards the same sex will continue to do so. If a boy does not have a feeling towards a girl, you cannot do anything about it – that’s the way he or she is set up, however, a girl who feels for a boy will not seek a girl… take it easy, your wife, daughter, husband or son will not become gay or lesbian if he or she does not have the proclivities to be.
The question is – if your kid, sibling or spouse decides to be a gay or lesbian – what will you do? If you were in a traditional society – Hindu, Muslim or otherwise, it becomes your honor and you want the problem be gone by killing the person. It is the insecure man or woman in you, it is the intolerance in you that makes you do that – for convenience you may plead insanity, religion or tradition whichever saves your tail.

But in a civil society, you cannot do that. First of all,  you have no right to take the life of another being, God does not tell any one to kill another soul, because he retains the right to judge, no one bears the burden of other.

Let’s learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us.

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You are welcome to participate in the discussions, but no judgments please.

Jazak Allah Khair

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer committed to building cohesive societies where all of us can live without the fear of the other.


Seema Weds Shannon.
Current News blog img
Seema wore a traditional Indian lehenga and Shannon wore a stunning white gown 
Taking the seven pheres around the fire to solemnize their marriage
The Happy Couple Walking down the Aisle
Dancing the Night Away! First Dance at the Reception Evening.
Wedding Invitation Card
Shannon with Mehendi
Table Tops For Reception Evening
Guests at Wedding
Guests at Wedding
Seema’s Brother & Mama at Wedding Ceremony
Seema’s Bidai Ceremony (Babul Ki Duae leti Ja)


Pakistani lesbians who are the first Muslim gay couple to wed in UK claim political asylum saying their lives are endangered if they return home  

  • Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar married at Leeds Register Office
  • The Pakistani newlyweds are the UK’s first married Muslim lesbian couple
  • After the ceremony the couple applied for asylum
  • They have faced death threats from both Pakistan and the UK
  • But the pair say they are in love and praised the UK’s tolerance

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A pair of Pakistani women have made history as the first Muslim lesbian couple to get married in the UK.
Rehana Kausar, 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, made history when they tied the knot in a register office civil ceremony, then immediately applied for political asylum after they were wed, claiming their lives would be in danger if they returned to their native country.
Watched by their solicitors and two friends, the pair wore traditional white bridal dresses when they were married in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Defiance: Muslim Lesbians Rehana Kausar (left), 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, from Pakistan, married in Leeds earlier this month, despite death threats 

Defiance: Muslim Lesbians Rehana Kausar (left), 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, from Pakistan, married in Leeds earlier this month, despite death threats

The pair, from the Lahore and Mirpur regions of Pakistan, said they had received death threats from opponents in Pakistan – where homosexual acts are illegal and considered against Islam.

And since news of their wedding earlier this month spread, the pair claimed they had even received death threats from the UK.
Before the service, even the registrar advised the couple to give serious thought to their decision to marry because of some Muslims’ views on homosexuality.

Ms Kausar, a master's degree holder in economics from Punjab University (pictured), both came to the UK to study business and health care management

Ms Kausar, a master’s degree holder in economics from Punjab University (pictured), both came to the UK to study business and health care management

Kausar said: ‘This country allows us rights and it’s a very personal decision that we have taken.
‘It’s no one’s business as to what we do with our personal lives. 
‘The problem with Pakistan is that everyone believes he is in charge of other people’s lives and can best decide about the morals of others but that’s not the right approach and we are in this state because of our clergy who have hijacked our society which was once a tolerant society and respected individuals’ freedoms.’

The pair married at the register office located at Leeds Town Hall. They have lived in South Yorkshire as a couple for a year

The pair married at the register office located at Leeds Town Hall. They have lived in South Yorkshire as a couple for a year

Ms Kamar, speaking to the Birmingham Mail, described her partner as her ‘soul mate’ and said the two women were deeply in love.
Pakistani law does not recognise same-sex marriages and there are no laws to stop discrimination.
Both women met in Birmingham as students when they moved to Pakistan from the UK.
They later started living together as a couple in South Yorkshire, where they spent a year before deciding to wed.
A relative said: ‘The couple did not have an Islamic marriage ceremony, known as a nikah, as they could not find an Imam to conduct what would have been a controversial ceremony.
‘They have been very brave throughout as our religion does not condone homosexuality.
‘The couple have had their lives threatened both here and in Pakistan and there is no way they could ever return there.’
Many scholars of Sharia – Islamic – law view homosexuality as a punishable offence.
There is no specific punishment prescribed but in extreme cases gay people can be sentenced to death.

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