The name Sharia produces fears and anxieties and gratuitous malice towards fellow Americans. Our mission at America Together Foundation is to work for a society where no one has to live in discomfort, apprehension or fear of the other.
What frightens Americans about Sharia?
Guest speaker will lay out the fears and phobias that Americans hear in their daily lives.
What are your concerns?
Experts on Constitution law and the legislative process will explain what it takes to introduce a Sharia bill in the house, senate and the process it has to go through to the final approval by the president.
What is it really?
Nation’s most recognized Scholar Imams will explain.
Your Questions
Your questions will be addressed by the Sharia and Anti-Sharia experts in the Q&A session. We will boldly face the issues that pit one American against the other.
Your questions will be addressed by the Sharia and Anti-Sharia experts in the Q&A session. We will boldly face the issues that pit one American against the other.
It is just not Sharia; we have programs lined up about issues that divide us. As responsible citizens, it is our obligation to find sustainable solutions for a secure and prosperous America.
America Together Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to building a cohesive America, where no American has to live in anxiety, apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other.
Location and speaker names will be released soon.
M. Basheer Ahmed, M.D.,
& Mike Ghouse