Quran Is Not for Muslims

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If you like the article, please click “Like”, “tweet”, “facebook” and “email” to your friends – from the Huffington Post.  If you don’t like it, let it be known in the comment section, Insha Allah, I will respond to you. 
The very first verse in Quran reads, “1:2 (Asad) All praise is due to God alone, the Sustainer of all the worlds (that exist),” and the very last chapter opens with this line, “114:1 (Ali) Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,” and there is a whole lot in between. God chose to address the entire mankind, and rightfully so. Quran is for the whole humanity and not just Muslims exclusively.
Hold your breath, I cannot pack the next 1200 words in one single sentence, or utter it in one single breath, but I promise you a better understanding by the end of this essay.
Mike Ghouse Muslim Speaker – http://mikeghouse.net/MuslimSpeaker.MikeGhouse.asp

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