December 2011/(1)
November 2011/(4)
- How Israel Out-Foxed US Presidents By Morgan Stron…
- Israel Palestine convention in Jerusalem
- Embarassing Presidential debate on 11.12.11
- Jimmy Carter on Palestine Apartheid
October 2011/(3)
- ISRAEL AND HAMAS: In the Wake of the Prisoners Exc…
- Dynamite DNA: Palestinians Are Really Jews
- The Settlements by Alon Ben-Meir
September 2011/ (33)
- President Obama, you must vote for Palestine now
- Fox News, Sean Hannity and Mike Ghouse on Israel
- Not Israel but Israeli leaders responsible for Iso…
- Robert Fisk: Why the Middle East will never be the…
- Perry tacks far right on Israel-Palestine
- Obama should support Palestinian statehood
- Palestine exists and Israel exists, just say it th…
- Recognize Palestine
- President Obama, you must vote for Palestine now
- Obama, Netanyahu to meet at U.N. in New York
- The Israel Project presents a very different persp…
- Israel shooting in its own foot – MJ Rosenberg
- Uri Avnery on Palestinian Vote
- Israel needs to stop talking and start negotiating…
- Obama’s Unique Opportunity by GIDEON LEVY
- Statehood not meant to Isolate Israel
- President Obama, you must vote for Palestine now
- September Madness, Eric Margolis
- Saudi Warns US Over Palestine
- US Ambassador: Support for Israel Drives all US Po…
- Palestine: the world’s next nation needs your sign…
- Palestine: Vote-counting on the Security Council
- Mr. President, you must vote for Palestine now
- Madeline Albright: Don’t recognize Palestine
- Do the Palestinians deserve a state?
- Ten Reasons for a European ‘Yes’
- Palestine’s UN status to be decided by member stat…
- Israel should be the first to recognise Palestine …
- Yes to Palestine – Reza Aslan
- Recognize Palestine, Rabbi Lerner
- The Lessons of Budrus
- Israeli and Palestinian Self Entrapment
- Do Jews, Christians and Muslims better understand …
August 2011/(4)
- Golda Meir on Accountability
- Apartheid on Steroids
- A New Wave of Anti-Semitism Sweeping Europe
July 2011/(1)
May 2011/(22)
- Israel’s foolish friends
- Bibi and the Yo-Yos
- Gaza in Plain Language
- The Mideast Peace Process: Washington Makes Things…
- Netanyahu’s stance jeopardizes Israel’s security
- Where Netanyahu fails himself and Israel
- Post your comments
- FACT CHECK: Netanyahu speech ignores rival claims
- Rebranding Israel: will Netanyahu get away with it…
- Netanyahu says will give up some land for peace
- Bibi to Congress: No compromise on Jerusalem, refu…
- Obama will deliver security to Israel and justice …
- Hamas must be a party to peace talks
- JTA 1967 lines with swaps and should serve as a ba…
- The Obama administration’s final betrayal of Israe…
- Netanyahu’s Bizarre Response to Obama’s Palestinia…
- No, Mr. Netanyahu!
- Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel
- Text of Obama’s Speech on the Middle East
- Reconizing a Palestinian State – J Street
April 2011/(3)
- Arab world is deposing rulers while Israel is blow…
- Muslim Speaker Mike Ghouse
- A new Palestinian Non-Violent movement
March 2011/(5)
- Blind leading the blind
- Muslims condemn today’s attack on the Bus in Jerus…
- Rabbis against Israel and Zionism?
- Muslims condemn the Murders of Fogel Family in Isr…
- Jewish editor sacked for publishing article*
January 2011/(2)
Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on Pluralism at work place, politics, religion, society, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, food and foreign policy. All about him is listed in several links at and his writings are at and 10 other blogs. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.