Imam who plays Rock Music

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Muslim debates will not cease till eternity, but Music will continue to be a part of our lives. 

Islam is also called a deen of fitra (reflection of human nature), and a majority of Muslims believe that Music is part of life, it is natural for one to tune into Music.   However, there are many who are against it, indeed they have issued strong fatwas (opinions) against Music.

Our stand is, good music is good music and must be enjoyed. Bad Music that leads to bad things is bad and should be avoided. Obviously cursing is not allowed in a place of worship, any place of worship, so should be the abusive language in music.

I am glad to see Ahmet Tuzer, the Turkish Imam do both.

Wall street writes, 

I Rock, Therefore Imam

In a small village in Turkey, Ahmet Tuzer spends his days as a Muslim cleric, chanting the call to prayer. But by night he is the singer in a rock and roll band, causing waves in the Muslim community. WSJ’s Joe Parkinson reports.

Here is the video:

This is where you can find this again – URL-

Thank you

World Muslim Congress
To be a Muslim is to be a peacemaker, one who mitigates conflicts and nurtures goodwill for peaceful co-existence of humanity. God wants us to live in peace and harmony with his creation; life and matter.

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