Evil persists when good people do nothing about the religiosed prostitution. They can do their damned business if they want to, but do not put the name of a religion as a sanctioning authority to the prostitution.
Indeed, we are responsible for the evil practices of the world, and the least we can do is to speak up, that is if we have the guts.
This practice goes against our understanding of God “lord of mercy and justice,” and our understanding of the prophet, “Rahmatul Aalameen” .mercy to mankind, and particularly mercy to women.
These men are making God and the Prophet a Zulmat to the women who gets dumped and perhaps with a pregnancy…. Quran and Prophet simply cannot authorize this non-sense cooked up by men, it may have happened as an adhoc measure when the creeps of the time could not keep their dicks inside their pants and some deputy may have nodded permission.
I seriously doubt if Prophet had allowed women to be used, abused and misused like that. That is not the prophet I have come to admire and cherish.
If we don’t speak up, we are allowing this evil to continue for generations… like evil-e-jariya.
Mike Ghouse
World Muslim congress.
Teenager exposes India’s ‘one month wives’ sex tourism
A 17-year-old girl has exposed the scale of Islamic sex tourism in India where Muslim men from the Middle East and Africa are buying ‘one month wives’ for sex.

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Inspector Kumar said there are dozens of illegal short term contract marriages in the city, and that the Sudanese man they arrested had come to Hyderabad after a friend in Khartoum told him he had taken a ’40 day wife’ during an earlier visit.
“If a Sudanese wants to have sex, he has to pay three times more [in Sudan] because there are far fewer girls there, or he takes a second wife. In India the girls are coming for a cheaper rate and they are beautiful. Even if they are only staying for a few days they are doing this kind of illegal marriages for sex,” he said.
He said the visitors want to marry because they believe prostitution is forbidden under Islam. Poor families agree to contract marriages because they have many daughters and cannot afford to pay for all their weddings.
Instead, they have a series of one-month contract ‘marriages’ to fund their own genuine wedding.
Shiraz Amina Khan of Hyderabad’s Women and Child Welfare Society, said there were up to 15 ‘contract marriages’ in the city every month and that the number is rising.
“They come to Hyderabad because it has maximum downtrodden families. Thirty to forty per cent of families are going for the option of contract marriages to relieve their poverty. It has to be stopped,” she said.
Nausheen Tobassum, who is now living in a government home for girls said in an interview before she was placed in care, that she had filed a complaint to stop the same thing happening to other girls.
“I didn’t know what was happening and I agreed in ignorance. They forced me. They changed my date of birth certificate and made a fake one, where I was shown as 24 years old. They exploit girls and that’s why I went to police. I had to show courage to go to police against my parents. I don’t want to go back to my home, I am scared,” she said.