Sunday, January 24, 2016 – Will Ted Cruz get away with his bold claim that his first loyalty is to Christianity, and second to America? Can a Muslim become the President of the United States?
The Evangelicals grilled Romney and Kennedy for their faith, Mormon and Catholic Christians respectively. Fortunately the candidates made it clear that their personal beliefs and public responsibilities are two separate things, so their religion was not an issue any more, and we elected Kennedy, and nominated Romney.
Not all Religious people are honest, everyone can be bought for the right money or influence, as Richard Gere had said in his famous dialogue in the movie Pretty Woman. The Evangelicals were eager to nominate Sanatorium in 2012 election cycle while grilling Romney’s Mormonism at the same time, indeed, Pastor Robert Jeffress called Mormonism a cult to stay away from.
When Chameleon Romney changed his stripes to be a Moderate, he gained momentum from the main stream Republicans, and when they saw that Romney was ahead, the Evangelicals start falling over each other to appease Romney, as Santorum became a dead candidate.
Ted Cruz now claims his loyalty is to Christianity first, and he should, but would that prevent him from being honest to the American constitution? Is that third or fourth?
What would be his stand on Roe V Wade, GLBT, and other issues? Is he loyal to his version of Christianity or the Constitution? What happens to the first Amendment?
In May 2012, I wrote, “Can an Indian American become President of the United States?”
Muslims have the same problems as the Christians.
Most of the African Americans are native, or born Americans, where as the others are immigrants. Thanks to the efforts of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights act of 1964 opened up immigration and brought a majority of Muslim immigrants.
35% of Americans do not identify themselves with any religion, and they are called ‘Nones” and another 10% identify themselves as LGBT. That leaves about 55% of possible American voters who are religiously affiliated, of which 29% are Evangelicals, and 63% of them will not vote for Muslims at this time.
I have always wondered, would Muslims behave like the Evangelicals if an Ahmadiyya Muslim were running for the President? Can an Ahmadiyya Muslim sink the presidency of a Sunni Muslim for his bigotry? Would Sunnis and Shias turn 180% from bigotry or sulk in it. It is time for us to prepare ourselves for such eventualities and chart our future. Do we want to talk about this?
I am hopeful of the 2nd and 3rd generation of Muslim Americans; they will not be as bigoted as the 1st generation and the Immigrant Americans.
Insha Allah we have to prepare our kids to be pluralist Muslims ( , meaning those who learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us. By the end of 2020, there will not be a major city in America, and perhaps in the world, where you will not find people of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities, races, nationalities and social backgrounds working, eating, playing, marrying, and doing things together.We need to prepare ourselves for those eventualities to prevent possible conflicts, and lay a good foundation for nurturing goodwill and effective functioning of the societies. Exclusive communities will become a thing of the past. If you live amidst others, you must also respect the otherness of others, as you expect them to do the same for you.
We owe to the next generations to live a better world for them by carving a smoother pavement for them.
Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solution on issues of the day – More at