URL- http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2013/06/shia-genocide-database-killings-in.html
Unless Muslims understand that Islam is a religion for the common good of humanity, with humility and respect for others, and not for politics, then the Islam we practice remains muddled from the Islam that the Prophet taught. Evil persists because good men do nothing about it, and as a Muslim I condemn these practices of discriminating minorities and women, a nations civility hinges on how it treats her minorities and women.
Pakistan in itself is neither good nor bad, neither is any nation, but when the majority remains silent while the minorities and women are driven to despair, then the whole nation gets the blame, particularly the good people.
How do you bring a change, for Islam to be Islam and not some one elses’ version of Islam.
The Sunni majority will not prosper if they keep harassing the minorities. When there is no justice, nations fall, the nation needs to consider repealing the hateful Hudood laws.The responsibility for goodness falls squarely on the majority.
Mike Ghouse
Shia Genocide Database: A Detailed Account of Shia Killings in Pakistan From 1963 To 31 May 2013 ( We must always verify the reports)

Shia Genocide
Source: Let Us Build Pakistan
We have now spent considerable time in compiling relatively comprehensive data on genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan since 1963. We have chosen 1963 as our starting point because before that year, no significant incident of anti-Shia violence has been reported in the media.
The Shia Muslims of Pakistan have been relentlessly attacked in various ways by the Deobandi Jihadist proxies of the military state that were bred and raised during the 1980s. While the first major incident of the massacre of Shias in Pakistan took place in 1963 in Therhi, Khairpur, these killings started to receive state patronage and took the form of the present systemic killings only during and after General Zia-ul-Haq regime (1977-1988).
Since late 1980s, Shias belonging to all walks of life and all ethnic backgrounds have been targeted and killed in every possible way, at every possible place and area in Pakistan. In almost all incidents, Shias (as well as Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis, Christians etc) have been killed by US, Saudi-funded Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba and Taliban.
Religious scholars, doctors, lawyers, educationists, government officials, other professionals, shopkeepers, vendors and students, all have been targeted in one way or the other for the mere reason of them being Shia.
Shias have been attacked in religious processions, they have been dragged off the buses and slaughtered, they have been targeted on their way to pilgrimage, they have been subject to attacks on their way to schools or workplaces, they have been gunned down while offering prayers and they have been attacked while performing their regular daily business. They have been killed in all parts of the country from Parachinar to Karachi and Balochistan to Gilgit-Baltistan.
We created a database of all the victims of this religious terrorism carried out by the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists, funded by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, and supported by the Pakistani state, in what can now be called the slow-motion genocide of Shias in Pakistan. This database is not exhaustive but presents a chronological pattern of the atrocities committed against the Shias of Pakistan.
It is acknowledged that due to paucity of resources and lack of communication networks in many areas, not all incidents of Deobandi attacks on Shia Muslims have been recorded in this report.
– Particularly, we don’t have complete data on Shia killings in Parachinar and other areas in FATA where thousands of Shias have been slaughtered during the Saudi-CIA-ISI sponsored Afghan Jihad and in recent decades.
– Prior to January 2012, we have not included hundreds of reported and unreported incidents of target killing which involved death of only one Shia person.
– Also, we have not included those indiscriminate deaths in which Shias were a part of the ordinary population (in Pakistani markets, streets etc) killed by the ASWJ-Taliban. According to official statements, since Sept. 11, 2001, Pakistan has lost at least 6,344 security personnel and 37,674 civilians (Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pakistans-thriving-democracy-and-grievous-sacrifices/2012/07/22/gJQAmGtz2W_story.html). Many security personnel and civilians have been particularly massacred because of their allegiance to Shia sect of Islam.
For example, in January 2008, Taliban over ran a post Pakistan army (Frontier Constabulary) abducting many soldiers. Later, they segregated Shia soldiers and killed them after brutal torture. The dead included eight Shia FC personnel, whom the militants killed by slitting their throats. (Source: Daily Times, 17 Jan 2008 –