Contact: Mike Ghouse
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Muslims Condemn the destruction of the signs of Christianity in Syria.
Dallas, Texas – September 26, 2013. “Prophet Muhammad does not mean a thing to the Jihadists, nor do God’s words mean a thing to the them.” They are violating the very basics of Islam, Quran and the teachings of the Prophet.
The prophet had said if any one of you is unjust towards fellow members of the humanity, on the Day of Judgment, I will stand up against you in support of them” and in a covenant with Christians preserved at St. Catherine’s monastery in Sinai, Prophet assured the Christians that their places of worship will be protected and preserved. Even the 2nd Caliph Omar declined the offer to pray in the Holy Church of Sepulcher in Jerusalem after conquering the City – he said, if I prayed there once, some one down the road will claim it to be a Muslim property.
The Moderate Muslim Majority is sick of the Jihadist mindset, and are as frustrated as the victims of Jihadists. These are the rogues of the entire society, who have no idea what their religion teaches.
First of all, Muslims condemn the attack on the symbols of Christianity in Syria, and secondly, we stand with the people of the world in doing whatever it takes to stop the Jihadists from messing our lives. Remember, they are our common enemies.
“Shamefully those criminals called themselves Muslims and claimed to do it for Islam. Did Muslims authorize them? Did Islam Authorize them? Hell no. They are dirty criminals and we need to get them and punish them.” Asserts Mike Ghouse, the president of World Muslim Congress, a think tank committed to building cohesive societies and nurture the pluralistic values of Islam.
” As the people of the world,we should not buy their alibi that they did it for Islam, the criminals did it on their own and we need to do unto them, what they did to other innocent people; terrorize.”
Islam forbids killing another human, unless it is purely in self-defense, and it even forbids suicide, which amounts to betrayal of trust God placed in you.
We the people of the World have been giving a pass to these criminals by blaming Islam, rather than blaming the criminals. Its time we do the right thing and knock these guys out, hunt them, find them and lock them up, unless they surrender and seek to change.
There is absolutely no justification for killing another human being, none whatsoever.
The hallmark of civil societies is that every resident of the society lives in peace with others. No one needs to live in apprehension or fear of the other, we are all God’s creation and God cares for us to take care of each other.
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The International News,-crosses-in-Syria-churches:-NGO–
Jihadists torch statues, crosses in Syria churches