God has offered us the opportunity to become nation builders and uniters of the people for the good of whole humanity.
The Unity Day USA event was an interfaith as well as Intra-faith event – Among Muslims we were blessed with the presence of Ahmadiyya, Bohra, Ismaili, Shia, Sufi and Sunni and Warith Deen Muhammad traditions.
We have to come together on common grounds.
Thank God we live in America, the land of the free where you can be who you want to be. The current issues about Quraan Burning and one of the pastors calling Islam evil are all part of the living in a society. Part of the blame should be shouldered by us.
We have to come together to do good for the us and the humanity, what is good for Muslims has got to be good for others and vice versa to sustain the peace.
Unity day usa – www.unitydayusa.com – a report from Dallas Morning News is included in it, and in a few days the pictures and video will be uploaded.
Appeal to Muslims –
Ahmadiyya Muslims
Ahmadiyya Muslims
Muslims pro-act
A Muslim Challenge –
Sunday Morning –
Monday Morning –
Monday Noon –
Steve Blow – Pastor goes too far http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/localnews/columnists/sblow/stories/090510dnmetblow.19e1646.html
Insha Allah, Steve Blow will write a column on Sunday
Baptist Minister in Keller stands up for Muslims – http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/localnews/columnists/sblow/stories/DN-blow_12met.ART.West.Edition1.356b027.html
The two ministers who stood up and spoke were both recipients of the recognition on the Unity Day USA and the journalists who stood up for fairness were also receipients of the recognitions we award at every Unity Day and Thanks Giving day, both Muslim initiatives to build a better society. There is a lot of wisdom in what we do with the Unity Day, thanks giving day and the Holocaust and Genocides commemorations.
They need to work on becoming model nations to be looked up to, when Prophet (pbuh) gave Hazrat Bilal an elevated status among the ummah, he meant for all of us to follow that model; to treat all who are considered different to be on par. He emphasized that in his last sermon that no one is superior to the other and Quraan reiterates that no prophet is above any one else. The simple wisdom was to remove the arrogance, the root cause of all evil. Islam has a great built-in mechanism to check arrogance and I hope the Muslim nations refresh that idea.
It is time for all of us to drop the pettiness in us and look up to each other as equals. Most of the Muslim or Islamic Nations are not worth looking up to emulate, we have to grow up and become the model nations.
Here is a draft petition, please share your comments at the end of the article, we will release the online petition in a few days. http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2010/09/appeal-to-indonesia-about-ahmadi.html
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has given us several peace models to follow in consciously creating cohesive societies, indeed he earned the title of Amin, the trustworthy, the truth seeker from among a variety of people living in Makkah at that time. Each one of us must strive towards it… I have done a few humble experiments and have stood up for every one of God’s creation. . http://www.mikeghouse.net/Standing.up.for.others.asp
Ground Zero – http://groundzeromosque.blogspot.com/
Ramadan – http://ramadanexclusive.blogspot.com/
Mike Ghouse