He believed that every human should feel, believe and act as an equal with every human for the society to function well, and he instituted practices to inculcate those values. He further communicated God’s words that God loves those who are humble, as humility builds bridges. He sternly discouraged arrogance as it kills relationships and is a source of all conflicts. He lived by his words, and went on to say that all prophets should be treated equally (2:285), and that all men and women get equal pay for equal acts (3:195, 4:124, 16:97, 33:35, 40:40, 49:13).
Towards the goal of creating heaven on earth, he established the “Amin Model,” indicating a peace-building citizen. This was a person who cared about fellow beings, was just, trustworthy, and truthful, around whom other people felt secure. This is the first Sunnah (tradition) of the prophet, providing a solid foundation for Islam.
God created an integrated and interconnected world in harmony and balance, and wants us to preserve and maintain that balance (55: 1-13).
If we follow the Prophet and his first and foremost Sunnah, and strive to be the Amins of the society, we will become peacemakers and show mercy to fellow human beings. It would require building relationships and being inclusive in the tradition of Quran.
We need to reiterate the value embedded in innumerable verses where God calls on humanity to care for fellow human beings — and assures Jews, Christians and others, that if they take care of fellow beings (good deeds) their rewards will be with Him. (2:62, 5:69) and they need not fear nor grieve.
With this intent, we have come together, with members of fellow community of faiths to organize a think tank to create a better world for every one of the 7 billion of us. Thanks to the vision of Prophet Muhammad, and God bless us all.
Dallas Morning News – Pope Francis speaks the truth