There is always going to be a small segment of population in every group who tends to be intolerant and unwilling to hear another point of view. Jimmy Carter has done more to secure Israel than any other president, yet when he talks about the problem, the right wingers hound him. The lobby and the right wing are the true detriment to peace and security of Israel. Good Israelis and a good Jewish people understand the situation but they get mowed down by the few intolerants ones.
A Prominent Jewish friend in Dallas quit returning my calls and emails. I ran into him in a synagogue and faced him squarely to tell me why? His anwer was simple – I don’t want to talk with you, because your website has (cursing) Jimmy Carter’s book review on your website. This is the kind of intolerance from a educator. Yet, they are few, but shamefully powerful enough to silence the good voices. Israel will not have peace for a long time – its squarely the doing of the 1% or less hard core extremists among Jews and the Palestinians.