Sharia Reforms
SHARIA REFORMS Mike Ghouse The laws that govern the life of a Muslim from birth to death and every moment in between are claimed to be inspired by the Qur’aan…. Read more »
SHARIA REFORMS Mike Ghouse The laws that govern the life of a Muslim from birth to death and every moment in between are claimed to be inspired by the Qur’aan…. Read more »
LASER BARKING: Bark at Terrorists not Muslims Mike Ghouse, Dallas,Texas 09/11/06 If I were to commit a crime, I must be punished by the laws of the land. I must… Read more »
Can Muslims pray in Cordoba Masjid?Religion is one thing, practitioners the other. Mike Ghouse There was a great example set by Caliph Omar. When Jerusalem was captured by Muslims in… Read more »