I see three groups of people in a given year and generally they are Muslims from Albania to Zaire and every one in between. I have met with the Muftis of China and Russia to religious ministers from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Chad…. and the like.
Today, I met the British Muslim youth and for the first time in a decade, the conversation was without translators! It was funny, in the beginning I was speaking with a slow Rick Perry speed as though a translator was going to translate, then I realized my conditioning! It was funny, they probably thought I had speech impediment.
Shan Bhagat and Rizwan Ali – Thank you for the facility. |
It was a joy to have the conversation with this group, they were thoughtful, critical and above all inclusive! Most of them were open to the idea of reaching out to people of other faiths to build cohesive societies, it was an extended topic. They said, I was speaking to the choir and I liked that very much and gives me hopes that we are doing things to make our lives better.
The British Muslims have similar issues as we do; dealing with right wingers. The non-sense falsities spread by Gov. Bobby Jindal and Fox News this week about “no go zones” for non-Muslims in UK, France and Europe is a myth.
I loved this group for being so interactive and open to newer expressions in Islam. I hope to be available to them in the future. They can turn British society around to be more inclusive through their initiatives we discussed today.
When I get the time, I will write the details of this productive constructive conversation.
We have to accept that every society is composed of right wing, left wing, intolerant, ultra liberal and moderates. We have to chart a course with the give situation.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the ultimate peace maker, indeed he was called Rahmatul Aalameen, that is mercy to the whole humanity. He believed in building a cohesive society, where no human had to live in apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other.
Towards this goal, the first Sunnah or the tradition he established was the Amin Model, a peace building citizen. Indeed, to be a Muslim is to be a peacemaker who mitigates conflicts and nurtures goodwill.