As a Muslim, I am ashamed that some among us are not following the message of prophet, nor are we a Rahmat to fellow beings.
We scream at the right wing Christians for making Muslim life difficult in America, we can’t build a Mosque, can’t do this or that… yet, we have the audacity to do the same to others in Pakistan. If you are a Pakistani American Muslim, I expect you to be honest and fair… scream at the bigotry here but also scream at the bigotry in Pakistan as well.
Let Ahmadiyya Muslims live their lives in peace and Sunni theirs. If we believe that as individuals are responsible for our faith and accountable to Allah only, then we have no business in telling others what to believe. Save the nation from run over by rogues who harass fellow Pakistanis.
Think about it, if Mullah Santorum becomes President, God forbid that, he can make Muslim life miserable and tie it to Pakistan and justify the harassment – and Mullah Santorum can tell us, “hey you Muslim rogues, if you harass your own people, we the Christian majority have a right to harass you the minority Muslims, either you become Christians or get the hell out of here or get killed (Ferdinand did that in 1492). So many Muslims were deported right after 9/11, what did we do? Nothing!
I know Americans are far more civilized than allowing the right wing bigots to dictate to Muslims or other minorities. As Muslims can we act civilized in defending the rights of others? Or, are we not civilized enough?
The least I expect from those who are Anti-Ahmadiyya is to drop the bigotry, particularly if they are Americans Pakistani Muslims, and stand for the rights of others in Pakistan.
The evil persists in the world, not because of evil men, but because good men remain silent or turn the other way.
Those who say, why take up this issue? The answer is simple, if we don’t like the way some of those evil men are treating Muslims in America, then we need to clean ourselves, rid of our hypocrisy and dump our bigotry and speak up for the rights of others.
That is what a Muslim does, stand up for justice of every human; a core value of Islam.
Mike Ghouse committed to building cohesive societies. Muslims together, we can make it happen, where no fellow human is threatened, harassed or anxious. Islam is peace and let’s act peace.
In the matters of faith, no one can ever prove the other wrong, because it is faith, something you believe. I am looking for us to learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given belief to each one of the 1.6 billion Muslims. No one but Allah judges what we believe and no one has business in judging others for what they believe.
Thanks Allah for guiding me to stand up for every one, it is not just Ahmadiyya, it is every one from Atheist to Zoroastrian and every one in between including Shia, Bohra, Sunni, Sufi, Ismaili and others. Visit the developing in progress site…
— In, Iftekhar Alavi <xalavi@…> wrote:
> My Dear Ghous, you are trying your best to prove that Ahmadies are right in their claim and are true Muslim. Well it is your belief and I have no comments on it, but your efforts to bring both on one path is fruitless. They are poles apart and can never ever be on one grid. As written in quran ” your deen is your deen and my deen is my deen”. So let us not waste time on it. I have read ahmadies and have my own feelings about them . It is clearly writtten in Quran that Huzoor sallah O Alaihe wasallam the last prophet and let their be no doubt about it. Mirza Ghulam Muhammad,s saying that those who do not believe in him are kafir, so I let myself be kafir but never ever will be follower of him. Any one praising Queen Victoria as benificery of Muslims can never ever be a real Muslim what to say calling him Prophet. i can write much more but do want to waste my time on illogical, useless and idiotic discussion. Iftekhar Alavi
> To:
> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:56:05 -0500
> Subject: Dallas Pakistanis :: Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims | 10 responses in one email
> My Dear Ghous, you are trying your best to prove that Ahmadies are right in their claim and are true Muslim. Well it is your belief and I have no comments on it, but your efforts to bring both on one path is fruitless. They are poles apart and can never ever be on one grid. As written in quran ” your deen is your deen and my deen is my deen”. So let us not waste time on it. I have read ahmadies and have my own feelings about them . It is clearly writtten in Quran that Huzoor sallah O Alaihe wasallam the last prophet and let their be no doubt about it. Mirza Ghulam Muhammad,s saying that those who do not believe in him are kafir, so I let myself be kafir but never ever will be follower of him. Any one praising Queen Victoria as benificery of Muslims can never ever be a real Muslim what to say calling him Prophet. i can write much more but do want to waste my time on illogical, useless and idiotic discussion. Iftekhar Alavi
> To:
> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:56:05 -0500
> Subject: Dallas Pakistanis :: Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims | 10 responses in one email