His Highness, Prince Karim Aga Khan completes 50 years as the Imam of Shia Ismaili Muslim community.
Hazrat Ali taught one to maintain a balance between spirituality and the world. We are born to live on this earth as well as be ready for the life hereafter. His highness Aga Khan has led his community to be successful in business not only for themselves, but through their service for the human kind. The Aga Khan Development is one of the most honored human service organizations dedicated to helping the downtrodden lift themselves on to a level playing field.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) described a good deed as an act which benefits others, such as planting a tree that serves generations of wayfarers with fruit and the shade. The world is a better place today because of a good legacy bequeathed to humanity by people of all faiths that came before us. We owe it to coming generations to leave the world a little better than we found it, to usher an era of justice and peace.
Aga Khan indeed has led his community to precisely do that through the net work of schools, hospitals and other institutions to serve humanity.
God addresses the mankind in Qur’aan, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:13: “O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Allah Knows and is Aware.”The Aga Khan has initiated one of the first institutions in the world committed to developing understanding between peoples of different faiths and traditions. Alhamdu Lillah, Praise the lord for his wisdom in initiating the Pluralism Center in Canada, a beacon of light for generations to come.
Prince Karim Aga Khan completes 50 years as the Imam of Shia Ismaili Muslim community. We are pleased to congratulate the Imam for leading a vibrant community that is seeking to create a better world through interaction and co-existence. The pluralism center indeed aspires to promote goodwill amongst people of different affiliations, regardless of their faith, gender, race, nationality, culture or any other uniqueness blessed by the creator.
The Golden Jubilee celebrations are carried on a grand scale in San Antonio, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta with a massive religious gathering of Ismaili Muslims. The event, called the Golden Jubilee, will bring nearly 100,000 followers of Aga Khan in four venues shown below starting second week of April, 2008. He will also meet Governors and top officials of four states during his visit.May God bestow him with a long life to do more good to the humankind. Amen.
Governor Perry and First Lady Anita PerryDistinguished GuestsLadies and Gentlemen
Governor Perry, you have been very generous in your remarks – even as you have been most gracious in your hospitality. We are deeply grateful for the warmth of the Texas welcome which you have extended to us. Of course we have known from previous experience about the wonders of Texas hospitality. As I am told one might say in Texas, “this is not our first rodeoâ€. But I must also say that you have outdone yourselves today – and you have our deepest appreciation.

At the heart of that growth of course, is the fact that Ismailis have felt so welcome here. And the critical reason for that compatibility, I believe, is captured in the word “opportunityâ€. The American ethic and ideal – the Texan ethic and ideal – has always been one of openness to others and openness to the future. It is an ethic of opportunity, which the Ismaili Community deeply shares.
One of the purposes of my trip this week is to meet with the Ismaili community – all across this country. But another purpose is to meet with civic and government leaders, and to discuss ways in which the Ismaili Imamat, the institutions of our Community and the Aga Khan Development Network can partner with them even more effectively.We would like to build, for example, on the encouraging start we have made, working with educational institutions here in Texas and elsewhere, to span the cultural gap which too often has separated the Islamic World from the West. As you may know, I see this problem not as a clash of civilizations but rather a clash of ignorances – on all sides – and ignorance is a condition that we can do much to remedy.
Similarly, I believe that we can work together to encourage the development of sustainable democracies in parts of the world where democracy has not flourished – reflecting even more rigorously on the conditions which make democracy possible, and helping democratic institutions adapt more effectively to local conditions.
The United States’ position as a world leader, in my view grows directly out of its accomplishments as a Knowledge Society – and this Knowledge – rightly applied – can continue to be a resource of enormous global value.
My thanks to all of you for sharing in this memorable evening.
Aga Sultan Mohammed Shah, President of League of Nations representing Indian Muslim population in 1935 – 1937 to promote international peace and security
Excerpt from speech by Sir Sultan Shah at the conference of League of Nations:
“I am speaking here for many millions of my fellow countrymen,who place the love of peace and the repudiation of violence among the first of the human virtues; with them, the ideal of peace is no mere economic expedient; it is an element deep-rooted in their very nature. That is the spirit which it is my task to reflect in making what contribution I can to the proceedings of this Conference.”
Excerpted from:
Star of India, Calcutta, 15 March 1934
A Call To The Islamic World………………
“The world of Islam to-day is at a turning point of its history.The Middle Ages are over and either Islam must now go foreward or be added to the other might-have-beens of history.The Muslims must now awake and taking their example from the glorious life and the marvellous teachings of the holy the Holy Prophet,build their spiritual and religious faith on Muhammed and work for the development in Science,Knowledge and and Politics, and social advancement along the lines of the most progressive races of mankind. My fellow Muslims,I implore you,I beg of you, to work for the advancement of the whole world of Islam, but never forget our spiritual debt to our Holy Prphet.” – Aga Sultan Mohd. Shah
Aga Khan IV – destined for leadership of world-wide ummah
The Aga Khan says a “clash of ignorance” has led to friction between Islam and the West.
The Aga Khan said that pluralistic education is as important in the West as it is in the developing world. He proposed that the International Baccalaureate community of educators work together with the Aga Khan Academies to build a bridge between the developing world and the developed world, between North and South, and between the Muslim world and the West.
Together, we can help reshape the very definition of a well educated global citizen. And we can begin that process by bridging the learning gap which lies at the heart of what some have called a clash of civilizations, but which I have always felt was rather a clash of ignorances,” he said.
Brother Mike,
First, let me congratulate you for fair and impartial presentation of “Aga Khan : 50 years of Imamat.” on your community blog, which indeed is highly commendable by Ismaili Muslim Community.Hope leaders of Organization of the Islamic Conference would get to see your excellent blog and approach Aga Khan to lead OIC to build bridge between east and west for world peace and security.
We Ismaili Muslims believe, like his grand father, Sir Sultan Mohd. Shah, present Aga Khan who teaches and preaches the message of virtue, love and compassion and respect for other religions and sects is well fitted and capable to be president of OIC which represent 57 Islamic states.We also believe he is the right man who could represent world-wide ummah to stabilize international disequilibrium brought about by economic, political and social forces.
It’s possible to settle minor political clashes between smaller nations.But, it’s almost impossible to settle a conflict,if major power is involved.Aga Khan understands the realities of global politics and is well equipped socially, politically and theologically to be a liason between east and west and could contribute his time and knowledge to bring peace, pluralism and security in the world.
Since the fall of the Taliban in December 2001, the Aga Khan Development Network has channeled $380 million into Afghanistan, of that, $145 million came from the Ismaili imamate, and the balance came from donors, lenders and other investors in the Aga Khan’s companies.The network fed 500,000 during a drought in 2002; built three bridges, 12 health centers and 26 schools; and repaired cultural sites including the mausoleum of former Afghan king Timur Shah in Kabul, says Mawji, the Kabul representative. It has also extended 6,400 microloans to farmers and traders and trained 189 midwives and doctors.
Hasni Essa
Congratulations to The Aga Khan on the 50th Anniversary. It is an achievement to have lead an organization for half a century and that too with out any scandal attached to the personality of the leader, which is in itself quite some thing in this day and age.
teri nazar mey mai hun kaafir meri nazar mey tuu hai kaafir!- said Iqbal.
Muslims today, more then ever NEED a worldly-wise Leader to lead a extra ¡religious¢, that is Islamic Nation and represent it in the non Muslim world forum. That is what an Imam is to me.
One would be correct in jumping to the defense of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) , in this role. Unfortunately in this context its record to date is dismal to say the least . Does any body know the name of the Secretary of OIC? I would like some body to show me what it has done to date to stem the tide of Islam bashing (and correctly I might add as depicted by Muslim practices world wide) that has gone on say since 911.