It is time we bring fruition to the change we want, here is the first step in working towards building a cohesive America, where no American is afraid of the other. We have ventured in making a documentary to goad and to bring to conscious the things we need to do. We hope to document all such efforts with an emphasis on Muslim effort.
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PAMELA GELLER – Reads Qur’an
Pamela Geller & Mike Ghouse at Fox Studios |
Sean Hannity and Pamela Geller were presented a copy of the Qur’aan translated by Muhammad Asad on the Hannity Show on Friday, October 21, 2011. I am glad she had the time to read some pages from Qur’aan and write a blog about it, which I intend to respond.
It’s a business for Pamela to misrepresent Islam. Her Blog has caused a few to read the Qur’an as well and a few have questioned her integrity and I appreciate them for writing to me about it. Thanks Pamela for the mis-statements..
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Filming the Documentary
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Americans Together, a documentary |
Americans together is a documentary about Americans working towards building a cohesive society, where no American would be apprehensive of the other and lives with a sense of safety, security and freedom.
We have begun on our plan to interview and present different perspectives representing full spectrum of America. I have started out with the heads of major Muslim organizations and will be reaching out to every representation of America. It’s my commitment to work towards building a cohesive America.
Adil Khan, Dr.Syyed Saeed of ISNA and Mike Ghouse |
Chief Seattle (1854), a Native American said this perfectly, “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the webs, he does it to himself.” This is the theme of the movie, what is each one of the 312 Million Americans doing to preserve that web… what are you doing about it?
1. What are you doing to preserve that web?
2. What are your initiatives?
3. What are the divisive issues?
4. How would you allay the prevalent phobias and fears?5. What is your vision for America?
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Mike Ghouse at Cair Washington office |
The Prophets, Messengers of God, Spiritual masters, Wise Men and Women and the Peace Makers believed in peaceful co-existence of humanity and consistently mitigated conflicts and nurtured goodwill amongst various groups. Their effort was to bring about a positive change and create a cohesive society where no one was to be apprehensive of the other.
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Mike Ghouse praying at Ground Zero Center |
I prayed for the well being of those who lost their lives and those who survived; those who are angry and those who are at peace; those who are hurt and those who are callous and those who want to bring goodness. I am deeply committed to the Unity Day USA and have been organizing the public event for the last 7 years, bringing Americans together.
Imam Junaid delivering Juma Khutba at Park 51 Mosque |
I spent half a day with Sharif El-Gamal in understanding the situation of Park 51 Mosque, he shared the breaking news and spoke at Juma Prayers; he wants to Deed over the property to a Muslim Trust. Now, it is upto the Muslim community to build the landmark center representing Mulims in America. My friend Adil Khan joined me for the Juma congregational prayers at Park 51 Mosque. Insha Allah, the Muslim community center will be built there.
MLK Statue unveiled in Washington DC |
0/15:- Awesome speech by President Obama at the unveiling of MLK statue across Jefferson Memorial. I was desperately looking for Muslim presence to capture for the film, we have to be participants in everthing Americans.
10/20:- I wrote a piece on Occupy movement In Dallas Morning News, however I missed going there and was happy to hear a conversation about Muslim participation and Friday prayers. The man was talking with Sharif El Gamal and as I was introduced the stranger recognized my name with Pluralism, it was a big surprise.