Title – Ramadan day 13 Missed it today
Date – Wednesday, August 1, 2012 | Ramadan13, 1433
Mosque – World Muslim Congress
Address – 2665 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75234
Today’s Pictures: No Pictures
Iftaar Time today: 8:31 PM CST
Iftaar Time today: 8:31 PM CST
Recommended reading listed below the note
I could not observe fasting or praying today.
Had allergies in the morning, even though I took 1/3 of a small pill of Benadryl, it knocked me out…I am lactose intolerant, took the same coffee from McDonalds this morning and I don’t recall anything unusual.
I have been sleepy most of the day – did not do much.
Please do visit the site www.unitydayusa.com , the words are few, but look at the impact it will have on the society in making America a beautiful nation for everyone.
If you wish to volunteer, sponsor or be a part of the event, please visit
www.UnitydayUSA.comJazak Allah Khair
Please mark your calendar for the Unity Day USA, a positive event that brings all Americans Together to rededicate our pledge for a peaceful, prosperous and secure America. We are a part of America and we need to feel and live it. If you liked some of the article, you will like the description of Unity Day USA atwww.UnityDayUSA.com
A few other Articles to read if you have the time:
What does God really want?
Are Muslims a part of the American society? http://theghousediary.blogspot.com/2011/10/are-muslims-part-of-american-story.html