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It is a purposeful event to bring people of different faiths, races, ethnicities and other uniquenesses together to feel the oneness of our nation and to feel indivisible.

to be together as Americans
to express our gratitude to our Firemen, Police and Armed Forces
to honor seven individuals who have contributed to the well being of the DFW
to honor two communities for their work towards building a cohesive America
to emphasize and appreciate diversity represented by America.
to cherish the other American as American and nothing but American
to rededicate our pledge to the peace, prosperity and security of America

Please join us with your family and friends to be together as Americans. Your presence is a valuable expression of unity. Along with our elected officials, civic, religious and business leaders, you help fulfill our common values and aspirations. Your presence fortifies our commitment to a pluralistic America.

Event: 8th Annual Unity Day USA
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Time: 11:30 AM -1:30 PM
Where: Unity of Dallas,
Address: 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230

The Marine Guards will start off the ceremony followed by the Sikh Community Members singing our national Anthem followed by recognizing seven individuals who are making a difference in building a cohesive America. Two communities have been playing an exemplary role in sharing their work and action that brings Americans together. The civic leaders including state Representatives, Mayors, council persons, Fire and Police Chiefs will join us followed by 13 leaders representing Atheism to Zoroastrianism to share the wisdom or scriptures from their traditions. There will be light lunch in the Sikh Tradition.

Awards: Seven Individuals for building bridges in Dallas/Fort Worth communities
Communities: Two outstanding communities this year for their service
Organizations: Participating organizations are you in?
RSVP to: (there is no charge for the event)

We will gather as Americans and rededicate our pledge to the peace, prosperity and security of our nation.

As Americans, and as American Muslims, we uphold, protect, defend and celebrate the values enshrined in our constitution. All our faiths reinforce the creed of “One Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all”.
On this Unity Day USA, we, the people of the United States of America of every faith, race and ethnicity, will gather to express our commitment to co-existence, safety, prosperity and the well being of our nation.

Thank you.
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 text/talk  

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