Dynamite DNA: Palestinians Are Really Jews

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This may bring a whole new different outlook on the peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. At least 70%-80% of the Palestinians are of ancient Hebrew descendent from Abraham. There is a wave of Revolution that is taking place in Palestine and this could be the proof in the pudding.

and http://blog.godreports.com/2011/09/many-surprised-by-genetic-and-cultural-links-between-palestinians-and-jews/

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Palestinians Of A Jewish Origin Part One
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Palestinians Of A Jewish Origin Part Two
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Ok, would Israel stop destroying and bombarding the Palestinians and would Hamas stop shooting the rockets? So, the newer brother is kicking out the older brother from his house and his land… and the fight will continue as brothers or racism – Arab Jews V. European Jews.
Instead, I hope this gives hope for them to come together.
same Israelis but with different faiths?
The Indians were all Hindus once – now we are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Bahais, Jains, Buddhist… we still have a few in each segment loaded with hate while the majority lives on…
Weren’t all of them Pagans before they become Jewish… I am sure, if they extropolate backwards, they all came from one or two families whehter in India or Israel.
I hope it is not another conspiracy by the right wingers to deny the rights to the Palestinians
Mike Ghouse

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