Mike Ghouse and Katy Pavolich on Hannity Show

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The Left’s War on Israel Debated by Katie Pavlich & Mike Ghouse – Sean Hannity – 11-19-12 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZGO6UIIxDg

I have received a barrage of hate mails for saying Hamas’ right to exist – hell, these guys live in caves, the Israelis are asking for it, here is Uri Avenery – http://israel-palestine-dialogue.blogspot.com/2012/11/uri-avnery-says-israel-must-recognize.html – He, a thousand other sane Israeli and I have been talking about it since 2006 – from the Annapolis conference. 

It appears that a few people really don’t know the alternatives, if they think about it, they are talking about Genocides of Palestinians or annihilation of another people. 

I do not expect the majority to be prejudiced, but give the room for a few to jump to conclusions without seeing the whole picture.

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace making, foreign policy, Islam, Israel, India, Pakistan, interfaith, and cohesion at work place or social settings. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at www.TheGhousediary.com. Mike has a strong presence on national local TV, Radio and Print Media, and is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News, fortnightly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site www.MikeGhouse.net indexes everything you want to know about him.

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