In defense of Islam, pursuing a civil dialogue
Here is an opportunity for you to write a comment after the article at Dallas Morning News. Let the public know that a majority of us care for the world and every life.
There is one more article in Dallas Morning News today, which I cannot find, I am in Louisville today with my wife.
If you wish to share this article, this is the link:
Please read the following from a thinker’s point of view in how we can change perceptions of the media in America and perceptions of the key allies. The ideas are explored in the following article link listed at the very bottom. If Muslims are serious in actions, rather than talking about Islam meaninglessly among ourselves, we need to get out and do things. Whoever talks big, it is time to tell them to act and not talk.
Insha Allah, I will complete the chapter “Blue print for Muslims, a 20 year planning” by the end of this year in my upcoming book on Islam. Those who criticize, please ask them to shut up, as the funds will go to the development of Muslim Agenda for the good of mankind. Remember, what is good for Muslims has got to be good for others and vice-versa, if it benefits us and not others, the idea will fail.
How Media has worked with Muslims
We have to recognize individuals who have been fair and just in the societies and support them and encourage them for the outstanding job they have done, “From a journalism point of view, unconscionably, we have accepted the inclusion of sensationalists and propagandists as journalists. They are generating ratings and revenues for the media barons. I believe this aspect of destructive propaganda journalism will also start correcting itself toward responsible journalism, which can restore the social cohesion of our society. This week’s topic for the Texas Faith panel is an indication of such a movement.
The media in Dallas has acted responsibly this week, when Pastor Jeffress made incendiary remarks about Islam, whether one agrees or not. Steve Blow of the Dallas Morning News took on the responsibility to seek another opinion from someone like Pastor Bob Roberts. Blow offered an equally powerful, but peace making perspective, which the public has welcomed. “
The above two paragraphs are at:
Steve Blow – article one : Dallas pastor’s broad-brush criticism of Islam goes way too far
Steve Blow – article one : Dallas pastor’s broad-brush criticism of Islam goes way too far
Steve Blow – follows up with Bob Roberts, a recipient of the “Pluralist” award at the Unity day in 2009:
Two other Journalists we have recognized at the Unity day USA program, and who have become champions in standing up for the rights of all others, and Muslims are beneficiaries of such stand – they are Jeff Weiss and Sam Hodges. Look up at Dallas Morning News, particularly their anti-Islam stance and later the fair positions they have taken.
George Mason is another recipient of the Unity Day USA Award, who has spoken out… Rev. Bill Matthews is another one.
Here is what George Mason write –
Now the First Baptist Church is making overtures towards me, thank God, I am glad we did not take the stands of pushing people to dig in their heels. I believe, firmly believe the role of Muslims is to mitigate conflicts and nurture good will. Give room to people to step up and be normal.
Please take a look at the following 2 videos and the article as a response to the video llinks below.
1 of 2 –
2 of 2 –
Sunday Morning on Fox
Monday Morning on Fox,-muslims-meet-to-discuss-quran
We cannot let a few destroy the social cohesiveness of our nation
My write ups at Dallas Morning New
This is the one I have talked about in the top of this write up