Could Resurgence of Anti-Semitism Lead To a Second Holocaust?

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This article was posted on Paul Reti’s facebook wall and the comments that followed are a reflection of the strength of the right wingers, the story is same with all populations – The right wingers are vociferous, decisive, and judgmental. Their loudness decides the national policies. They don’t have the ability to discuss things intellectually, and they don’t want to take their heads out of sand either. Its sad that they do not want to see another point of view.

Please see the entire thread of comments including my extensive comments, I have put passion into my stand, I am for the building cohesive societies, where no human has to live in apprehension and fear of the other and as such, I have been assertive with my point of view. Justice is the only thing that sustains societies from going into chaos.

Mike Ghouse

Could Resurgence of Anti-Semitism Lead To a Second Holocaust?

By Jerome Chanes

Published August 11, 2013, issue of August 16, 2013.

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Prophecy and Alarmism Pervade New Collection of Essays

The Longest Hatred: A tone of ‘gevaltism’ persists throughout ‘Resurgent Antisemitism,” edited by eminent scholar Alvin Rosenfeld.

The Longest Hatred: A tone of ‘gevaltism’ persists throughout ‘Resurgent Antisemitism,” edited by eminent scholar Alvin Rosenfeld.

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● Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives
By Alvin H. Rosenfeld
Indiana University Press, 576 pages, $35
It is unbelievable that in 2013 we are still talking about the foul topic of anti-Semitism. “The dislike of the unlike,” in historian Salo Baron’s pithy locution. Whatever the catch phrase, there are few phenomena in history that have a record of 2,000 years.
We seem to be again in a season of academic studies of anti-Semitism, not the surveys and polls that marked the 1980s and ’90s, but with “institutes” on anti-Semitism popping up all over the place, devoted to figuring out what’s going on — again. One of these projects is Indiana University’s Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, run by the eminent scholar Alvin H. Rosenfeld.

In “Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives,” Rosenfeld, who has written on Jewish writers and on Holocaust literature, has collected essays that make a case for pondering the ways in which anti-Semitism is manifested today, and for addressing new versions of the ancient hatred.
The conceit of “Resurgent Antisemitism” — and both the strength and weakness of the book — is a series of nation-specific essays. Rosenfeld’s authors respond to this question: How does the history of a country affect and implicate the way in which the anti-Semitism of that country is contoured and developed?
No fewer than 18 chapters develop the past and present of Britain and Norway, and give a historical analysis of Spain, Central and Eastern Europe, and Poland. Especially insightful is the analysis of the Catholic Church, which is a central reality in Poland. Discussions of Turkey, Iran and, of course, Israel are valuable, as well. Chapters on discrete topics such as anti-Zionism, literature and European Islam flesh out this very rich book.
For the reader who is looking for facts, “Resurgent Antisemitism” will not disappoint; the book promises “global perspectives,” and the globe is delivered. Scholars will not be disappointed, either; the authors present valuable archival material. And for the most part, the analysis ain’t bad.
One stellar chapter is Zvi Gitelman’s essay, “Comparative and Competitive Victimization in the Post-Communist Sphere,” a superb conspectus of anti-Semitism in Hungary and Romania. Gitelman does what every historian ought be doing: He sets a context. Gitelman connects the dots from Nazism in Central and Eastern European lands, through the years under communism, to present-day realities. His analysis is sober, hardly “gevaltist.”
But it is, unfortunately, the tone of “gevaltism” that pervades “Resurgent Antisemitism,” an unrelieved litany, a parade of horrors that is about to befall the Jews of Europe. And the book goes beyond the “gevalt.” In his otherwise insightful analysis of recent Israeli cinema that has been harshly critical of Israeli policies and practices, film historian Ilan Avisar kvetches, “Israeli filmmakers prefer to bathe in the glory of the awards ceremonies and to ignore the possible political damage [wrought by their films].” It’s a cheap shot. The filmmakers are making their statements, appropriate in a democratic society, via their medium; they talk about war and peace, social justice, and other issues. Avisar’s unfortunately purple prose reflects, in part, the thrust of the book.
Another problem with “Resurgent Antisemitism” is not what the book says, but what it does not say. Whatever is going on out there with respect to the hijacking of Islam by the crazies, resultant Muslim anti-Semitism in some countries and the threat of resurgent Nazism in others — all of which is ably documented in Rosenfeld’s volume — left begging is a discussion at some level of the distinction between anti-Semitism and Jewish security.
Whatever is out there in terms of anti-Semitic behavior may or may not implicate the security of Jews — the ability of Jews to participate in the society — in various lands. This central dynamic, little discussed in the context of European anti-Semitism, is missing from “Resurgent Antisemitism.” The thesis of “Resurgent Antisemitism,” while relentlessly argued in the book, is therefore open to question. What is the anti-Semitism, according to Rosenfeld and his authors, that is “resurgent.” Is it anti-Semitism that emerges from the radicals who have hijacked Islam? Is it a leftover from the destruction of European Jewry, newly salted with Islamic radicalism, leaving Jews open to what writers are calling the “Second Holocaust”?
Eighteen chapters of measured frenzy prepare the reader for Alvin Rosenfeld’s epilogue, which sets out the thesis of “Resurgent Antisemitism” and which serves, as well, as a strong peroration to the reader. Centering his historical analysis on the iconic Auschwitz, Rosenfeld asks, “How bad is it likely to get?” He fears that the catastrophic near-past of Auschwitz is finding its way into the future, indeed into the present. “Long considered unthinkable,” Rosenfeld cries out, “new versions of the past are now being imagined by scholars.” “Second-Holocaust” thinking, while a staple of the past, emerges as a subtext in “Resurgent Antisemitism,” never far from the surface. With potent forms of anti-Semitism brewing in the Middle East and elsewhere, Rosenfeld avers that the danger signs are blinking red in a way we have not seen in years.
Another Holocaust possible? Or are Jews fundamentally secure in most places? Or is it a mixed, more nuanced picture? This topic deserves more, and better.
Jerome Chanes, a Forward contributing editor, is the author or editor of four books on Jewish history and public affairs. He is the editor of the forthcoming “The Future of American Judaism.” (Trinity/Columbia University Press).

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  • Michael Peat What kind of low life does this and why?
  • David Guy There is a major difference between then and now. ISRAEL!
  • Richard Witty The vast majority of world Jewry lives in two regions,

    Israel and the us.

    Those places are unlikely to be victims of genocidal movements.

    It is a different world than Russian antisemitism or polish or Hungarian.

    They are no longer the homes to 50%.
  • Manik Barbhuiya Paul Reti,t is perhaps going to be a holocaust of Palestinian semites by Israel who has already tried in Shabra and Shatila.
  • Richard Witty Manik,
    Sabra and Shatilla was an incident, not a genecide. And that was 65 years ago, in a war, following real genocide of jews.
  • Robert Friedman With grotesque thinking like that of Manik, the concern becomes greater. The level of lies, hatred and misinformation in the Arab / Muslim world, particularly against Jews and Israel, is stunning.
    23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
  • 23 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jennifer Bjarnason Anti-Islam posts are all over the Internet, and many Zionists are as extreme as those who support Hamas. The very essence of Zionism can be easily compared to and linked with Fascism. The same can be said of a Palestinian state that would expel Jewish people’s from the land. Polarized issue on all sides – and interesting that Zionists are screaming about anti-semitism, while the majority of them make crude, insulting and inflammatory comments about Islam on a daily basis. Then the extreme followers of Islam spew hatred towards not just Israelis or Zionists – but all Jews. 

    I think it’s high time for everyone to have an honest conversation about the tit-for-tat crap that is being manipulated by media and bias agendas. Some people on both sides want a holocaust – and some people on both sides want peace.
    23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Janet Clifford The Holocaust was a unique event and your banal talk of both sides wanting a Holocaust diminishes you and your vacuous argument. Until you understand that anti-Semitism is alive and well growing everywhere (particularly in Europe) with an attempt to draw a moral equivalent with ” crude, insulting and inflammatory comments about Islam” demonstrates either your extreme ignorance or malice.
    22 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Robert Friedman Well said, Janet.
  • Marie Avoine Just so no one thinks Anti-Semitic has it over Anti-Islam, I offer this article dated, a year ago and after reading it, one has to ask themselves what it feels like to be a Muslim and know this is from the personal of the most powerful military in the world.

    Pentagon suspends course after study materials posted online suggested that Mecca and Medina may have to be obliterated
  • Mike Ghouse Paul Reti I have been screaming loud, I don’t believe this will lead to Holocaust, the world is not willing to go through it again… however, the Israeli government (not the Israelis or Jews) policies and the extremist Zionists, the settlers, and the injustices to the Palestinians is causing a lot of resentment, ( The Jewish people are blind to this) even among those who do not like Muslims or Islam – people are designed to be just, and when they see Israeli policies continue with injustices – they are resenting but not expressing it

    This is not good for the Jewish people – they need to take the future of Judaism back from the guys like Netanyahu and his ilk who will get away with their extremism for another two or three decades, but then the world will not be with israel – not because of Jews or Judaism but because of fascists like Bin Ladens among Jews. 

    I really feel the pain – and have written and will continue to remind my Jewish friends – that they need to wake up and restore to being just people. What happened to them was wrong, but that does not mean they do the same to others.
    22 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Marie Avoine Mike, you articulate beautifully what reflects my thoughts, but I could never do it justice as you did here.
  • Robert Friedman Oh please. Mike when you tarnish 14 million people (“the Jewish people are blind to this”) you not only display racism but an inability to grasp basic facts. Ignorance or malice, you need to hold off on FB flaming and read a little,

    The two are so dissimilar that they cannot be compared in any meaningful way. ThSee More
  • Robert Friedman Why is Holocaust denial a mainstream idea in much of the Arab and Moslem world?

    Why can’t the Israeli-Palestinian conflict be compared to the Holocaust?

    The two are so dissimilar that they cannot be compared in any meaningful way.
    The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazis and their partners to kill all the Jews. In the Holocaust a sovereign nation harnessed all the apparatus of their state to the goal of the mass systematic murder of a specific people.

    More than anything else, the murder of the Jews stemmed from Nazi racial ideology. According to that ideology, the Jews were an evil race, whose very existence endangered Germany and all of human civilization. The Nazi crusade against the Jews was not focused on winning tangible gains, such as land and other wealth from the Jews. Its goal was to rid the world of the supposed pernicious influence of the Jews.

    The Nazis systematically murdered Jews in shooting actions and by gas in specially designed gas chambers in extermination camps. In the ghettos, camps and slave-labor installations under the Nazis, hundreds of thousands of Jews were also brutally worked to death. The end result was the murder of close to 6 million Jews.

    The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is not racial, but national; it is political and territorial. It is a struggle between two peoples for a small land. Throughout the decades this struggle has oscillated between violence and attempts to negotiate a settlement. As tragic as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may be, there are no mass graves, no public executions of thousands of people, no gas chambers. It cannot be compared to the Holocaust. Using terms taken from the history of the Holocaust to describe the situation in the Middle East does more to obscure than to clarify the events and their consequences.
    22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
  • Janet Clifford I struggle to comprehend how non Jews have the arrogance to pontificate on how they think Jews should behave, who is an ‘acceptable’ Jew, what the Holocaust or the M.E., conflict is about when they have no idea whatsoever.
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mike Ghouse Janet Clifford, if you are directing the comment at me, I urge you to read the link
    Thank you

    Excellent summary: Security for Jews, Justice for Palestinians. Thank you. Both See More
  • Mike Ghouse Robert Friedman, when I said, “the Jewish people are blind to this” what I clearly meant was “anti-semitism” in on rise because of how the Israeli policies are perceived by the world. Please remember what the duplicitous American Media, senators and congressmen and their counterparts in Israel say and believe is not the same as what the world sees it. If you don’t know it, please study it, and avoid being blind to it. 

    Anti-semitism is evil just as Anti-Islam, and it is bad for the world. It tears the cohesive fabric of the world and causes more strain. All of us can get away in the short run with money and power, but not in the long haul. Unless there is justice in the society, all will live in apprehension and fear of the other.
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Ric Cooper As long as Israel has a nuclear deterrent, there will never be another Shoah. The only thing that can provide an existential threat ( as opposed to a grumbling irritant) to the Jewish people is our foolish craving to be liked and thought well of by Gentiles, at any cost. You have to ask yourself: why are over 100,000 Jews living in Germany?
  • Robert Friedman Rising racism and hatred against Jews can be tied to the rising failures and oppression in the Arab/Muslim world and the increasing need for a scapegoat to shift blame to. Israeli policies are primarily an excuse. More Muslims, by a geometric factor, are killed, oppressed, and raped by other Muslims than they are by Israel, Jews, Bhuddists, Athiests, Copts, Agnostics, Seven Day Adventsists, and Zoroastrians combined. But boy, it’s so much easier for many Muslims to blame things on “Israeli policies” including, by the way, the butchering of 100,000 + Muslims in Syria b y other Muslims.
    20 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mike Ghouse Robert Friedman, this is precisely what I meant by blindness – I was talking about the world – world is not just Middle East – world is rest of Asia, Americas, Australia, Africa and Europe, the anti-Semitism is on rise. There is a resentment towards Israel for the injustice to the Palestinians – the world including Muslims have full sympathy for Jews for what happened during holocaust, but that does not mean they will not have sympathy for another people who are enduring misery by bullodozed out of their own homes. It is this blindness that is dangerous to the Jewish people, instead of fighting and bombing other nations, the Jewish people need to demand their leaders to follow what is right – mitigate anti-Semitism and it will not go away without showing to the world that the Jewish people stand for Justice, which they do, but their representatives do the opposite. This blindness has got to go, if we all need to live in peace – 

    Now, don’t blindly shoot out that Muslims don’t have sympathy for Holocaust – take a look, this Musilm organizes Holocaust commemoration for the last seven years – details and there are millions of Muslims who are vocal, you just need to find the truth.
  • Howard Fox Mike you are speaking nonsense. I could easily say that Jews such as yourself who apologize for anti_Semitism and pin it on Israel’s actions are for more duplicitous in bringing about anti-Semitism than Israel’s actions. If it was simply due to Israel’s actions, then the Muslim world would hate Syria, Pakistan, Sudan and Iraq, where far more Muslims are killed in a month than Israel has killed in forty years. As for Muslims having full sympathy for the Jews and the Holocaust, yes many do, but one notable character Abu Abbas wrote his docorate Denying the Holocaust. Mike I understand that you will do almost anything for peace, but sometimes your actions are far more dertimental and mealy mouthed then your rationale. I am not calling for Jews to hate Muslims, some of my best friends are Muslim, but to say that reality is not reality is simply being blind. Anti-Smeitism has nothing to do with Israel, nothing. to say it does restricts israel from protecting herself. You may a fine propagandist for the Arab world Mike, you should be proud.
    20 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Niall Lynch Well, if we say that any criticism of Israel is “anti-semitism”, then, yes, of course, we are facing a “rising tide” of anti-semitism. If, on the other hand, we judge anti-semitism by its true nature, we are not.
  • Mike Ghouse Howard, it is always good to communicate

    1. First of all, I am not a Jew, I am a Muslim – I have made that clear.
    2. I am not apologizing for Anti_Semitism, but see it as danger to every one in the long haul
    3. I will do everything possible including pissing off a few people, instead of appeasing anyone
    4. Anti-Semitism indeed has nothing to do with Israel, but Israel’s (not Jewish) actions are fanning it.
    5. why are you refusing to see another point of view? It is not good for Israelis or Jews. 

    I have always stood for Israel, as long as it is for the rights of Jews to exist and live in peace and security. But I am not against Arabs, there is no need to be anti-someone to be pro-someone. We need to build a cohesive world where we all can learn to respect and live with each other with our differences. The more we know the other side of the issues, the better off we would be and unless we speak up, the wrong doers assume they have the permission to continue to do…
  • Megan S Mills please read Hamas Charter for starters… aware that this ‘ideology’ is shared by others. The canard that events in Israel/Israeli policy inspire — or do you mean, Justify – a sickening new anti-Semitism elsewhere is Lame.
    19 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mark Dewdney They can try. Instead, it will be their asses that get wiped off the map – not any one race, but evildoer by evildoer. I think we as a society have made it clear that we will not permit genocide, and WWII ain’t THAT far back that we’ve forgotten. 
    Besides, Israel’s more than tough enough to handle herself, methinks.
  • Mike Ghouse Megan, we can believe what is convenient for us. The Gaza bombing lost a lot of support for Israel, and the public sees it as Israel got away with murder – and even those who supported Israel blindly, started having reservation. It is time for all of us to seriously listen to other people – instead believing in our own imaginative conclusions.
  • Howard Fox Thank you for your response Mike. But, oh yes the mighty but. Israel has its policies, most of them do not come out of a vaccum. I have just come from another thread where Israel was being called a “Nazi state” with comparisons to Hitler. Of course this is hysterical at best, but it shows the mindset. the hate out there for Israel, is palpable and it is way beyond rational which points to something else at work here. That being racism in the form of anti-Semitism hiding under the veneer of Anti-Israel or Anti-Zionism. This should be aware of and not participate in, which though you may deny it, you do. Sudanese are not hated for what has taken place in Darfur. Pakistanis are not hated for killing a million Bangladeshis or their blowing up of mosques over the weekend or their support of the Taliban, so why should a disagreement with Israeli policy cause anyone to hate Jews? Do you understand what I am saying. We are dealing with a different animal here, we are dealing with an ingrained hate that has been fostered in Europe and the middle east for two thousand years, this is not new, and is not a product of Israel’s actions. I only hope in the future you will be aware of this, and stop making apologies for those who a blantant raciists. As Tarek Fatah pointed in his book, 97% hate Israeli Jews, even though they have never met one, while 33% of Palestinians questioned feel the same. So those who are supposed to be suffering feel less resentment than those who live three thousand miles away from the conflict. I suggest that their hatred is more a product of propaganda rather than any honest and rational thinking.
    19 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Stewart Nasar what this means is that the charter does call for it…and they suspended it for the election
  • Mike Ghouse Howard 

    All the other information your have provided is meaningful, but that does to negate the other information that you are not aware of: 

    1. We did a program on Bangladesh Genocides, the Bengalis hate Pakistanis ( remember never 100% – and usually the people who hate are few, but very vocal). Please be aware of that.

    2. Sudanese are hated by many for harboring extremists and the genocide of Darfurians. Indeed, Save Darfur organization has done a great job – oddly they ignored one of my organizations World Muslim Congress to be listed as a supporter, it took me one year for them to include ours and other Muslim organizations. They did not want the world to know that Muslims also hate wrong doing. Where are you Howard?

    Always make an effort to see another point of view, its just not you, I am appealing to all of us including me to see another point of view and not blinded by one side. For sustainable security and peace for Israel and Justice for Palestinians, we have to step out of our emotional bondages and see the bigger world.
    19 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Marie Avoine If I had lived in Abbas’ shoes, am not sure how I would have viewed the holocaust myself given what it cost in lives, land, water rights to his people. 

    I am not under any circumstances advocating nor minimizing the holocaust in its scale or how horrific it was, mind you. 
    “Born in the village of Safed, in what is now northern Israel, Mazen and his family fled to Syria during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. He laid floor tiles for a living, became a teacher and earned a law degree from the University of Damascus. He then earned a doctorate in history from Moscow’s Oriental College. Mazen remains a passionate devotee of classical Arabic music and poetry.”

    I am only one human being, but I can assure you, Israel does influence how Jewish people are regarded, world wide, as one is always wondering how it is they can support a state that is so harmful to the Palestinian people’s well being who make up a part of humanity.
  • Howard Fox Mike you are missing what I am saying. I would expect Bengalis to be rather pissed at the Pakistanis over the genocide, but it does not translate into Brits and Frenchmen hating all Pakitanis for what they had done. Whereas what Israel is percieved to do translates into Anti-Semitism? Do you see what I mean? Same goes for the Sudanese, a Sudanese in Belgium is not hated or his graveyard desecrated by Belgians for the actions of his state. I live in Israel, and am originally from Canada. I have made it a point of seeing the other side. I sent my son to a mixed Arab/Jewish Israeli school in the neighboring town of Kfar Kara. I met often and befriended a few of the Israeli/Arab parents there, and though my son requested to leave after three years, it certainly was a learning experience for all of us, some of it positive some of it negative. One of the things that I did learn is that Israeli Arabs hate Israelis Jews far less than the Israel haters who do not live here. I also found that many of the Arab/Israelis are more Zionistic than many of the Far Left Israelis. I do not see the Arabs as monsters, nor do I label them as stupid, but I do realize that much of this conflict comes down to Honor and Humiliation, and for many Arabs and Muslims, especially those in the neighboring countries, Israel represents the ultimate humiliation for the Islamic Empre. I can only hope in the future that the Arabs will make peace among themselve and eventually accept the idea that a Jewish state exists in their midst. Enshallah, amen.
    18 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Janet Clifford The answer to the question posed “Could resurgence of anti-Semitism lead to a Second Holocaust” the answer is no but not for the sake of trying. Mike typifies the non Jew that pontificates on how he thinks Jews should behave. The audacity of talking of Gaza being bombed without reference to the 1000’s of rocket attacks on the nearby Jewish civilian population makes my stomach turn. I don’t care about his opinion or the ‘loss of support’ from people like him because they think dead Jews are lovable and I prefer live ones.
    17 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mike Ghouse Janet Clifford – this is what is wrong with humanity – jumping to conclusions without reading. The 1000’s of rockets were wrong, it has been condemned and squarely blamed on Hamas for not controlling those freaks for firing those rockets – and if you don’t feel bad about Gaza bombing, something is seriously wrong here. The world does not see that way, and you” may” say, you don’t care. Then you are doubly wrong. 

    The topic is rising anti-antisemitism, a menace to humanity. It is a form of racism and wholesale prejudice against a people, the Jewish people, that we all should stand opposed and I do.

    In this thread, we are discussing the probable causes and possible solutions. You cannot live in denial, we have to explore all the points of view. I care about the co-existence and respect for all humanity, and continue to do my work – the least of which is speaking up. You can choose to bury your head in the sand, that is not how you solve the problems. We solve by factoring in all the possibilities. 

    Please start thinking that wel one people, don’t live in the fears that the world is against you, it ain’t. If you can drop that phobia off your mind, the world is a much better place – if we just know each other instead of building illusory walls.
  • Janet Clifford Spare me your platitudes and lectures YOU did not mention the 1000’s of rockets and you pointed a finger at the bombing of Gaza without putting it into context. You blame Hamas who voted them in? Every single Israeli was moved from Gaza in an attempt to make peace it was NEVER EVER “Palestinian” land it belonged to Egypt. Sadat refused to take it back in the peace agreement with Begin he knew what a poisoned chalice it was. The topic is “Could resurgence of anti-Semitism lead to a Second Holocaust” not anti-Semitism is a menace to humanity so you start thinking be more honest and do not tell me about phobias or illusory walls.
    15 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Mike Ghouse Anti-Semitism is a menace to humanity indeed. Any stereotyping of any people is a menace, no matter who it is. Its like the chicken flu, it will affect the entire world, it is like a computer virus, it can affect any computer anywhere on the earth. 

    We have to build cohesive societies, where no human has to be apprehensive or fearful of the other. It starts with a re-assessment of our attitudes and taking our heads out of sand, listen to what others have to say, particularly if it is different than what we believe. 

    I cannot have peace when people around me are not at peace. Blaming others will never bring a sustainable solution. It becomes my responsibility to ensure others feel safe secure and just – then my peace and security is given.
  • Janet Clifford You do not address any of my points and you are talking in riddles.
  • Howard Fox Marie, so seeing how the Chinese treat their own people as well as Tibetans and other ethnic groups in their midst, does that make you think less of the Chinese people living in your country? When you see an African do you treat or think of them differently because of the two million Congolese murdered in the last decade or the Rwandan genocide? Do you treat Sri Lankans differently now that they have rid themselves of the Tamil problem? Or is this self-righteous thinking of yours only meant for the Jews. do you see what I am getting at? You do not hate all Muslims for what is going on in Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Pakistan, you would probably characterize one an Islamophobe for even thinking such a thing, so why accept it when it is aimed at the Jews?
    14 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Howard Fox If he was a Jew, would it lead automatically to a rise in anti-semitism?
  • Steve Yeger All I see arep eople using the excuse of ‘Palestinian Human Rights” to reinvent their racist, bigoted, hating ways into something palatible. Any idiot who will bother to actually look atthe rea l factswi ll see that the nonsense put out there by the “palestinian” propaganda machine is stolen naratives fromother ethni cs. The “PALEstinian” Arab came to “Palestine” because the “Zionists” invested money and time and improved life in general./ The Ottoman empire records 500,000 Arabs coming to “Palestine” because of the better conditions . Stealingf rom the Jews just didn’t work this time. Thatsa ll. When you go for broke and lose, you lose fools. Now, about refugees, what about them Arab Jews who had nothing to do with Zionists? Hmmmmmmas the ass above smugly typed.
  • Jon VonBrauch Unlike the 1930s, there are MANY of us non-Jews who would make this “difficult” for them.
    12 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Toni Baum The Naqba is not comparable to the Holocaust on multiple levels, but both were successful, violent attempts to remove a people and their way of life from their home. Most Israeli historians today – from across the political spectrum – agree that the Palestinian refugee problem created in 1948 was the result of a deliberate attempt to drive the Palestinians out and not let them return. This perceived need to keep Palestinian demography low has played an integral part in Israeli policy since 1948. Towns and villages were deliberately destroyed and rebuilt, places were expropriated and their names were Hebraicized. Through a combination of violence and bureaucracy, Palestinian Arab life in the land is slowly and violently being erased. Israeli settler colonialism is more akin to the what the Europeans did in the Americas and Australia than what the Nazis did in Europe.
    9 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Athar Bhatti Toni you are one brave soul . It’s about justice and always will be and it doesn’t matter where .
  • Jon VonBrauch Why is it always the Israelis who want ” to keep Palestinian demography low.” what ever happened to Jordain, Syria and Egypt’s refusal to take Palestinians???? Why is that??
  • Natalee Gold jews are NOT secure… anyone who thinks they are has his head in the sand or up his a–
  • Natalee Gold and yes we are headed to just that
  • Jay E Freeman It might have been better if all the European Jews came to the USA and took over a state like the Mormons. Then they could create a brilliant center of culture, science and creativity in a safe place. The future of Israel worries me.
  • Janet Clifford What nonsense why would Jews want to take over a state in America they have their own country? How can anybody write that the Holocaust was successful? What sort of person could even think that?
  • Jay E Freeman The subject is the survival of the Jews. Long term I fear for the survival of Israel. The Jews have prospered in the USA as no where else. This is a far safer place than Israel where the demographic trends are not encouraging. Look at what the Mormons have done in Utah. Its quite amazing really. Look at what the Jews have accomplished in NYC, LA and Chicago. Also impressive.

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